Is Charlie Crist Really Leading Ron DeSantis for Florida Governor?

Pro-Cuban communism Rep. Charlie Crist (currently D-FL) is reportedly polling ahead of Republican Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis in his bid to return, this time as a Democrat, to the governor’s mansion. Color me skeptical.

Crist is among the most weaselly, skeevy pols out there. He was a disgusting, spineless faux Republican, and he’s been equally flaccid as a Democrat. His brief stint as an Indie provides the cherry on top of his laughingstock status.

No politician, excepting perhaps smarmy Mittens McRomneyCare, has leaped from one party to another to none and back with the whiplash speed of Crist. Untethered by principles or morals, Crist cares about Crist. Floridians didn’t take long to figure that out and made him a one-term governor.

As he was reminded when he displayed an absolute lack of self-awareness (or of political savvy) by using ‘make DeSantis “a one-term governor”‘ as his bizarre campaign hook.

What a maroon.

Crist, as governor of Florida, slobbered over then-President Obama’s boondoggle “shovel ready” stimulus, calling it a “godsend.

As he flipped and flopped between parties, Crist was pro-life before he was pro-abortion, then pro-life again, and has now landed on pro-abortion because he’s still currently a Democrat, and Democrats love them some infanticide.

Slimy Crist similarly engaged in the most amazing ideological gymnastics on a number of issues, yet he bizarrely blamed not his ineptitude as a Republican governor for his leaving the party but on a hug he gave Obama. Somewhere. No one really knows about this supposed incident since it didn’t register with anyone anywhere.

After all, it was not only completely unknown but it didn’t register with Republican voters anywhere near the level of horror at the sight of then-New Jersey governor Chris Christie hugging Obama.

Christie, prior to that moment, was a very real contender for the GOP nomination for president, but the optics were not good and were compounded by bridgegate. Crist, in his usual self-aggrandizing fantastical dream-land, apparently imagines he was on the road to the White House. (Spoiler: he wasn’t. Ever. And never will be.)

Let it not be forgotten that Crist has the ignominious distinction of losing state-wide elections as a Republican, as a Democrat, and as an Independent. There’s a reason for that. Floridians have Crist’s number, and that’s why I find suspect this new poll showing Crist (CRIST!) polling ahead of DeSantis.

Even Florida Politics calls it a “shock poll.”

U.S. Rep. Charlie Crist narrowly leads Gov. Ron DeSantis in a hypothetical head-to-head matchup, according to the latest survey from St. Pete Polls.The results come as DeSantis continues to face criticism for his COVID-19 response amid a major surge in cases and hospitalizations that is making Florida the epicenter of the pandemic.While his lead is barely within the poll’s 1.6% margin of error, 45% of respondents indicated they’d vote for Crist, a Democrat who formerly served as Governor as a Republican, while just 44% said they’d cast a ballot for DeSantis. Another 11% are still undecided.That’s a big step up for Crist who, in previous polls, was trailing DeSantis by as much as double digits.

Yeah, no.

Where some Floridians may know the current Crist “Democrat” persona best, on his own home turf, the voters who know him best, reject him en masse.

Florida Politics continues:

Perhaps surprisingly, Crist trails DeSantis in his home media market in the Tampa Bay area, with DeSantis pulling 47% support to Crist’s 45%. DeSantis also leads in the Pensacola, Panama City, Tallahassee, and Jacksonville markets, all in north Florida, a typical Republican stronghold. His strongest performance is in the Panama City market, with 73% support.Crist, meanwhile, is carrying much of South Florida, with 51% support in West Palm Beach and 57.5% in Miami. DeSantis carries Southwest Florida with 53% support in the Fort Myers area, another Republican stronghold.

DeSantis simply needs to blitz these areas with ads about how Crist supports Cuba, loves him some Cuban totalitarian cruelty, and actively works in the U.S. to ensure that the Cuban people are forever downtrodden and abused by their own government.

Game. Set. Match.

Tags: 2022 Elections, Florida, Ron DeSantis