‘Honeymoon Officially Over’: Biden’s Job and Economy Approval Ratings Drops in Two Polls

President Joe Biden’s approval rating dropped in the Harvard CAPS-Harris Poll and the CNBC All-America Economic Survey.

The respondents also lost optimism in the economy and worry more about COVID-19 than before.

Harvard CAPS-Harris Poll

The Hill reported that Biden’s approval sits at 52% in the latest Harvard CAPS-Harris Poll.

He lost ten points from June when 62% of the respondents approved of his job.

Congress, Republican, and Democrat approval ratings also took a hit.

The latest approval ratings come in as the country sees an uptick in COVID-19 cases:

That resurgence has put the coronavirus pandemic back at the top of the list of voters’ concerns, according to the poll. Thirty-six percent say that COVID-19 is the most important issue facing the country, a 6-point increase from June when jobs and the economy topped the list of concerns.The percentage of respondents who say that the country is on the right track fell to 46 percent last month after peaking at 53 percent in June, according to Harvard CAPS-Harris Poll. The percentage who believe the country is on the wrong track simultaneously rose to 47 percent after dropping to 39 percent in June.

Then there is the economy:

Optimism about the U.S. economy fared even worse in the poll, with the number of respondents who say it’s on the right track falling to 43 percent from 49 percent in June. Forty-nine percent now say the economy is on the wrong track, up from 42 percent in June.To be sure, most voters surveyed — 53 percent — believe that the U.S. economy remains strong, compared to 47 percent who say it is weak.

The Biden “honeymoon…is officially over,” said Mark Penn, the co-director of Harvard CAPS-Harris Poll.


Biden kept his 48% approval rating in the CNBC All-American Economic Survey.

However, his approval numbers regarding the economy and COVID-19 took big hits:

The biggest change came in views on his handling of the coronavirus, where approval dropped 9 points to 53%; Biden’s economic approval fell to 42%, a decline of 4 points, or just beyond the poll’s 3.5-point margin of error.“I think it all comes down to COVID,” said Jay Campbell, a partner at Hart Research Associates and Democratic pollster for the survey. “If the COVID situation had continued to improve the way it was improving in the first quarter, all of these numbers would look very different. And ultimately, someone has to be responsible for that. And right now it’s Joe Biden.”

The majority of the respondents picked COVID-19 as their top concern:

Tags: Biden Economic Policy, Joe Biden, Wuhan Coronavirus