Employees in One Missouri School District Sue Over ‘Equity Training,’ Claiming it’s Unconstitutional

Two people who work for a Missouri school district are suing it, claiming that the ‘equity training’ they had to undergo for work violated their First Amendment rights by forcing them to say things they didn’t believe.

Some people, including Megyn Kelly, have suggested that taking legal action is the way through a situation like this one.

Sam Dorman reported at FOX News:

Missouri school district employees sue over allegedly unconstitutional ‘equity’ trainingTwo employees of Missouri’s largest school district are alleging that so-called “equity” trainings violated their constitutional rights by forcing them to endorse certain beliefs about race – adding to the already-mounting legal scrutiny of attempts to push critical race theory (CRT) and its associated ideas.Filed on Wednesday, the lawsuit centers around the purported experiences of Brooke Henderson, a process coordinator focused on advocating for students with disabilities, and records secretary Jennifer Lumley during training sessions last fall. While Lumley was allegedly berated for disagreeing with the content, Henderson claims she had to affirm statements she disagreed with in order to progress in the mandatory training.Springfield Public Schools (SPS), according to the lawsuit, also threatened to revoke credit for the training if employees didn’t “participate completely.” In doing so, it purportedly set up an “unconstitutional condition of employment” and chilled district employees’ speech.

You can read the complaint here.

The people on the left who are pushing critical race theory, don’t care what anyone thinks, they just want others to submit to their ideology.

The Springfield News Leader has more:

Filed by Jennifer Lumley and Brooke Henderson — who has repeatedly accused district officials of wrongdoing — the legal action asks a judge to rule in their favor and declare the training an “unconstitutional condition of employment.”Henderson, along with the Back on Track America group, have repeatedly accused the district of embedding the much-politicized critical race theory in its equity training.The theory is not mentioned by name in the suit but it alleges the term equity — as well as social justice; diversity and inclusion; and culturally responsive teaching — is code for one of the common allegations against the theory, that it conditions “individuals to see each other’s skin color first and foremost, then pitting different racial groups against each other.”The suit alleges all employees were required to complete the training during the 2020-21 year or lose pay and that, as part of the training, they were required to commit to equity and becoming “anti-racist educators.”

If it has to come down to lawsuits, so be it.

The authoritarians pushing CRT leave the rest of us little choice.

Tags: College Insurrection, Constitution, Critical Race Theory, Education, Free Speech, Missouri