Elizabeth Warren Tells Teen Vogue: Abortion, Voting are ‘About the Functioning of Our Democracy’
Infanticide does not help our REPUBLIC function. (When will our elected overlords learn we are not a democracy?)

Only Sen. Elizabeth Warren (D-MA) found a way to connect voting and abortion in the latest issue of the liberal rag Teen Vogue.
“Each intersects with each other,” Warren explains.
How? I honestly do not know. Voting helps our republic function. Infanticide? No way.
Warren thinks the right-wing has instilled judges “hostile to these basic rights.”
Infanticide is not a basic right. I’m (not) sorry I prefer judges and candidates who think it is wrong to slaughter an unborn human being.
TV: Do you feel like voting rights and abortion rights are really the key issues to making sure that the freedoms of voters and people in this country are protected?
EW: Both voting and access to abortion are basic. They’re about the functioning of our democracy and about the protection of personal autonomy. Protection of the vote means your voice gets heard in government. Protection of access to basic health care means your autonomy as a human being is fully respected by the law. That you will make the decisions about yourself. To me, that’s part of the heart of what all of this is about. This is where the two big fights are shaping up right now. And each intersects with the other. Both from the perspective of respect for the individual, and also from a political point of view. The right-wing extremists know that if they can keep people from voting, they’ve got a better chance to impose their views about abortion on an unwilling nation. I don’t have to tell you, [one 2018 poll found that] 71% of Americans support Roe. Now, when 71% of Americans support something, including 52% of Republicans, you’d think it would be easy to make that law.
It is a small but intensely focused group of people who want to impose their will on the majority of this nation. It is fundamentally antidemocratic.… This is a Republican Party that now openly admits that their only chance to hang on to power is to keep a substantial number of American citizens from voting. And why is that so? Because what they want to do is not popular with Democrats or Republicans.
Oh, sweet summer child. It’s not about what is popular or cool. It’s about doing what is right. Science has shown life begins at conception. A mother who reads pregnancy updates on her baby from week one should know a fertilized egg is the beginning of life.
A Gallup poll shows America almost splits in half in 2021, ma’am.
Gallup also mentioned its past pro-choice and pro-life polls. It looks like the pro-life side is gaining people, Warren.
2019 and 2020: 48% pro-choice, 46% pro-life
The infanticide movement has the upper hand…for now.
“The right-wing extremists know that if they can keep people from voting, they’ve got a better chance to impose their views about abortion on an unwilling nation,” Warren bemoans.
Calm down, lady. You cannot say pro-choice dominates America. You cannot say that the pro-life movement is a small sector of radicals who want to impose their will on the majority.
I used to be pro-abortion. I am pro-life. It is possible to change the hearts and minds of people. The pro-life movement continues to do so.
Infanticide is not basic healthcare. Infanticide ends the life of an unborn human being against their will.

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I guess I missed that in the constitution.
Emanations and penumbras. That’s where the REAL rights are spelled out.
What do you think would happen if we gave every pregnant woman two votes? 😉
They would demand more.
Mommy, and would baby vote for self-preservation? I am not an involuntary “burden”. You do not have a rite to sacrifice me, too..
The Twilight Amendment conceived in penumbras and emanations. birthed with social progress, and evolves in a trail of blood, that confers extra-legal, surreal, civil rights not limited to reproductive rites that deny women and men’s dignity and agency, and reduces human life to a negotiable property. Deja vu.
You’re right. The Constitution recognizes two parties: the People and our Posterity, not the People and our Property. The Founders, notwithstanding the original compromise, were enlightened, forward-looking men in matters of Life, Liberty, and the pursuit of Happiness for a diversity of individuals, minority of one.
Teen Vogue huh? Isn’t that the same rag that ran an article teaching young girls how to engage in anal sex.
What companies advertise in such a disgusting piece of trash? What sort of person would pander to it?
“Teen Vogue huh? Isn’t that the same rag that ran an article teaching young girls how to engage in anal sex.”
Yeah, it also featured Elizabeth Warren. “How to get into Harvard through the back door.”
Fecal transmission is transgender and trendy, but beware of socially liberal adjuvants.
bada’ boom!
If those are the only two things she cares about she needs to go back to the reservation.
Voting rights disappeared from sight over the years and then finalized abruptly in 2020. This due to crooked libtards and george schwartz’s rigged voting machines. These same liberal sub-humans are now wailing about voting rights as if they had no clue.
Abortion is simply a human rights issue. The mass murdering of little souls is against the first modicum of decency and always has been. No one is forced to keep a newborn they created; there are laws that allow new mothers to drop off a baby at a police or fire station without reprimand. MURDER of the innocent is NEVER acceptable.
So if abortion rights are required for a functioning democracy… then we didn’t have a functional democracy until Roe? If so does that mean everything prior is invalid?
Ok fine by me. No income tax no direct elections for Senate, ECT. Of course that means we are not a Nation just fifty independent States free to go our own way or join together as we see fit.
Logic isn’t her strong suit.
Funny how Democrats are all for RIPPING babies from the wombs of birthing humans but not so concerned about removing children from people smugglers.
You really can’t reason people out of positions they didn’t reason themselves into, can you?
Special place in hell for women that promote abortion
Most women and men do not share/shift responsibility. This nominally “secular” religion was established and progresses for special, peculiar, and narcissistic self-interests.
Dreams of the feminist, masculinist, and others of depraved minds. A baby, a “burden”, a fetus or technical term of art for social distance Keep women appointed, available, and taxable.
“Personal autonomy” when it comes to killing unborn children…but when it comes to refusing to get experimental shots, fuggedaboudit.
There is no mystery in conception that only requires one man and one woman in sexual union. And denying civil rights and holding warlock trials to support a handmade tale (e.g. rape… rape-rape culture) under a Pro-Choice religion denies a woman and man’s dignity and agency, and reduces human life to a property, is intolerable.
On a related note, bypassing the vagina in favor of the rectum (“black hole… whore” h/t NAACP) only normalizes pathogenic (fecal) transmission a la socially liberal trans/homosexual males. and the HIV/AIIDS and now SARS-CoV-2 and posterity population pandemic and epidemic.
Reproductive rites is a not so novel apology to justify capital punishment for babies accused of being “burdens” or clinically profitable. From Jew privilege to White privilege to baby privilege, too, a wicked solution, a final solution, a great leap.
Even self-defense only confers the right to mitigate threat, not to commit elective abortion, and certainly not for social progress, clinical profit, and other light and casual ethical (i.e. morality’s relativistic sibling) causes.
That said, I am pro-choice: abstention, prevention, adoption, and, ideally, compassion ’til death do us part.
Our young people need an education based on the history the Left does not want to tell. Those of us who lived it ought to teach.
Margaret Sanger, Ruth Bader Ginsberg’s hero, wanted to make sure that there would be a whole lot fewer black babies, and that particular aspect of the abortion movement continues to be embodied in the placement of her Planned Parenthood clinics.
I happen to think that Roe v. Wade was as well-decided as humanly possible in our earthly system, because it takes the abortion decision completely out of the hands of the State. Overturning the abortion decision would give Nancy Pelosi and Chuck Schumer and Kamala Harris entirely too much roomier mischief.
But, Planned Parenthood continues to kill a lot of mostly black babies.
“Margaret Sanger, Ruth Bader Ginsberg’s hero, wanted to make sure that there would be a whole lot fewer black babies, and that particular aspect of the abortion movement continues to be embodied in the placement of her Planned Parenthood clinics.”
That’s why Fauxcahontas said it was central to the operation of our democracy. The welfare tab alone would sink the libs.
When my mother was in labor with me, the doc came to my father in the waiting room and asked him, “If it comes down to it, do you want me to save the baby or your wife?” He saved us both.
With that in mind, need you ask my opinion?
That’s kind of a bizarre story. Why would he not have asked your wife to make that decision?
Generally speaking, if there is distress during birth the mother really is not in any state that would enable her to make that decision. The doctor likely assumed the father/husband would know his wife’s wishes in that eventuality.
Huh? Our democracy could not function till 1973?
It never ceases to amaze me that people who were not aborted press for unlimited abortion. Too bad Squaw Warren, Big Chief Bull Feathers wasn’t aborted.