Has Grown and We’ve Now Catalogued Almost 400 Schools

In February, the Legal Insurrection Foundation launched We began by cataloguing instances of diversity and equity training, critical race training, and other such curriculum, events, and happenings on close to 150 college campuses. Immediately upon its introduction to the public, the site exploded. Not literally, but the site garnered 1 million page views overnight and our inboxes were flooded.

We quickly learned that this is an issue of great concern for many people nationwide. has been the vehicle through which we’ve connected with people all over the country who are working to push back against mandates which require its implementation into all levels of education. We have since catalogued almost 400 institutions of higher education, though not all engage in CRT or something similar. We’ve also branched out to include resources for K-12, and are about to unveil a new state level tracking feature. We are not slowing down. The site and its publicly (and FREE) available resources grow daily. We’ve assembled a great little team who are diligently plugging away, doing tremendous work.

Our work on the subject led to Professor Jacobson’s invitation to speak to state legislators working to manage the scourge of race-based dogma.

As is always the case with things we do here at LIF, there’s much we do behind the scenes in this space in terms of support for individuals and groups that we don’t always publicize.

We are very busy, and grateful to be involved in doing what is truly crucial work.

Tags: Critical Race Theory,, Legal Insurrection Foundation