Clemson University Issues Mask Mandate Just as Profs Were Set to Protest

A group of professors was going to protest the lack of a mask mandate, but the school caved at the last minute.

Campus Reform reports:

Clemson issues mask mandate night before profs set to protestA planned protest against Clemson University’s lack of mask mandate has been rendered moot after the college instated a three-week mask mandate last night, on the eve of the first day of classes.Campus Reform obtained the university-wide email, which announced that the mandate would take effect immediately. It reads, in part:”Following the South Carolina Supreme Court decision announced earlier today which permits higher education institutions to require a universal mask mandate, Clemson will require masks in all of its statewide buildings including classrooms, instructional facilities, offices, labs, and residential and dining halls except while eating or in private spaces.”Prior to the announcement of the mandate, professors had planned to stage a walk-out to protest the lack of masking requirements. Professor Kimberley Paul, who organized the protest, had urged her colleagues to bring protest signs to Bowman Field today. She dubbed the event “Walkout Wednesday for a Mask Mandate.” A Facebook event description says, “The lack of a mask mandate is endangering the health and lives of all of us. University Leadership [sic] is not listening to us.”Paul told Campus Reform, “I started this out of deep concern for all of us here at Clemson. Seeing the President’s tweet of the Freshman Convocation, with that crowd of unmasked faces, was horrifying. It was clear that neither the students nor the University administration were taking the current viral threat seriously enough.”On Tuesday, an event still went forward with 10-15 people in attendance, but not necessarily a protest. Paul and her fellow professors passed out masks to students.

Tags: College Insurrection, South Carolina, Wuhan Coronavirus