Border Agents Share Images of Dangerously Overcrowded Immigration Facilities

Border patrol agents are frustrated with the situation at the southern border. They posted images of a facility packed with people almost lying on top of each other.

How does the Biden administration think it has any credibility on the dangers of COVID when we can see how they’re handling the border?

Julio Rosas writes at Townhall:

‘This Is Lunacy’: Frustrated Border Patrol Agents Take Pictures of Overcrowded Detention FacilitiesThe Biden administration’s handling of the ongoing crisis at the U.S.-Mexico border continues to flounder as the massive influx of people illegally crossing into the U.S. remains at an all-time high, leading to overcrowding at holding facilities with COVID-19 still being an issue.Video taken this week by a source in the Rio Grande Valley Sector shows immigrants in a holding facility packed in tightly, with some not wearing masks. This has lead to Border Patrol having to take people apprehended elsewhere in the sector to the temporary holding site underneath the Anzalduas International Bridge in Mission, Texas, where outside temperatures reach above 100 degrees on a daily basis.”They are way past capacity – so aliens sit outside because where do you take them? Logistically it’s a nightmare – people want to go to the bathroom, need to eat, women need to breastfeed, and the list goes on…This has surpassed the point of sustainability – this is lunacy,” the source said.

See below:

Where is the media? Where’s crying AOC?

John Sexton of Hot Air adds this:

It’s hard to overstate what a complete disaster the Biden response to this crisis has been. First off, the administration is directly responsible for creating it despite warnings this would happen. Then when the numbers started to spike in March, Biden latched on to some very dubious claims present by immigration experts affiliated with the Center for American Progress. Biden himself repeated claims that the migration was just seasonal, suggesting it would drop off as the weather got warmer. Obviously that hasn’t happened.

The Democrats and cable news hosts who shrieked about this under Trump are nowhere to be found. It’s because they never really cared. They only used the issue as a political hammer.

Now many of the same people have turned their attention to COVID. How are we supposed to take them seriously on that issue when they have nothing to say about what’s happening at the border?

Featured image via YouTube.

Tags: Biden Immigration, Border Crisis, Wuhan Coronavirus