Biden Shows His Incompetency Once Again in ABC Interview About Afghanistan

Professor Jacobson’s quick hit in Thursday’s newsletter said it’s scary that President Joe Biden is barely present.

I don’t know if I agree. Every time Biden opens his mouth it’s a disaster and makes everything worse.

On Wednesday, Biden threatened nursing homes and Republican governors over COVID at a press briefing. He turned his back on the press, ignoring questions about Afghanistan.

Turns out he headed to an interview with ABC News’s George Stephanopoulos to address the Afghanistan fiasco.

Here are some highlights. It’s a doozy. Not only is Biden incompetent, but Georgie did not challenge him or push back about obvious lies and mistakes.

Timing of Certain Videos

First and foremost, Biden is not paying attention. Stephanopoulos asked about the Afghans holding onto planes for dear life, falling to their deaths as they try to escape the Taliban.

What a moron. Stephanopoulos did not push back. Disgraceful. He should have corrected Biden.


Biden insisted they could not withdraw from Afghanistan without chaos. I agree. But the withdrawal could have gone a lot better. They had over seven months to prepare for the withdrawal.

Warm and Cozy With the Taliban

On July 8 Biden said “it is not” inevitable the Taliban will take over Afghanistan. He praised the Afghan army and troops. He skipped over a question about trusting the Taliban.

Then Stephanopoulos asked Biden if he thinks the Taliban has changed.

Are you kidding me:

STEPHANOPOULOS: What happens now in Afghanistan? Do you believe the Taliban have changed?BIDEN: No. I think– let me put it this way. I think they’re going through sort of an existential crisis about do they want to be recognized by the international community as being a legitimate government. I’m not sure they do. But look, they have–STEPHANOPOULOS: They care about their beliefs more?BIDEN: Well, they do. But they also care about whether they have food to eat, whether they have an income that they can provide for their f– that they can make any money and run an economy. They care about whether or not they can hold together the society that they in fact say they care so much about.I’m not counting on any of that. I’m not cou– but that is part of what I think is going on right now in terms of I– I’m not sure I would’ve predicted, George, nor would you or anyone else, that when we decided to leave, that they’d provide safe passage for Americans to get out.

Does anyone with a brain cell think the Taliban cares about what the international community thinks about them? Do you think they care if others consider them a legitimate government? Do you think they care about fellow Afghans?

It gets worse every single day with this man.

Tags: Afghanistan, Biden Speech, George Stephanopoulos, Media, Taliban