Biden Appears To Doze Off During Meeting With Israeli PM

President Trump once dubbed then-candidate Joe Biden “Sleepy Joe,” and it seems that Biden is working hard to live down to that well-earned nickname.

In fact, it appears that Biden is quite literally sleeping during an on-camera White House meeting with Israeli Prime Minister Naftali Bennett.

Here’s a clip that zooms in on Biden:

You have to feel for Bennett. The poor man is so sincere and trying so hard to communicate . . . with a snoozing, twitching Biden.

As it dawns on him that Biden is asleep—and to his credit—Bennett turns to address his comments to the press. Perhaps he is trying to limit the embarrassment and humiliation of doddering and clearly unfit Sleeping Joe, hoping that the cameras will switch to focus to his comments rather than focus on the snoozing leader of the free world?

I suppose a case could be made that Biden is merely listening with his eyes closed (and shoulders slumped), but to make that case, one would need to demonstrate that this is a known trait of Biden’s, something I don’t recall seeing over his 40 odd years in public office.

One would also need to explain why when Bennett concludes with “Thank you Mr. President, I look forward to working with you,” Biden doesn’t open his eyes and respond as any normal (awake and alert) human being would.

Biden just keeps embarrassing our great country, and he’s doing it for all the world to see.

Tags: biden, Naftali Bennett