Virginia Education Dept. Tells Schools to ‘Eliminate Gender-Based Practices’ Under New Transgender Rules

Virginia’s Department of Education has release a new set of guidelines for schools that are designed to make life better for transgender students.

Despite the fact that transgender students are a small minority, the new policies are going to change life for everyone, including doing away with some things lots of people enjoy.

Daniel Payne reports at Just The News:

Virginia says local schools should ‘eliminate gender-based practices’ under new transgender rulesVirginia’s Department of Education is urging school districts throughout the state to work to end as many sex-segregated activities and programs as possible as part of a recently promulgated set of rules aimed at accommodating transgender students statewide.The department’s Model Policies for the Treatment of Transgender Students in Virginia’s Public Schools was developed pursuant to legislation passed last year by the state legislature and signed into law by Democratic Gov. Ralph Northam. That law dictates that the Department of Education is required to “develop and make available” new rules, after which school districts are required to adopt policies that “are consistent with but may be more comprehensive than” the state-level guidance…The document advises that “in general, school divisions should make efforts to eliminate gender-based practices to the extent possible.””Gender-based policies, rules, and practices can have the effect of marginalizing, stigmatizing, and excluding students, regardless of their gender identity or gender expression,” it states, citing “practices that may be based on gender” such as “grouping students for class activities, gender-based homecoming or prom courts, limitations on who can attend as ‘couples’ at school dances, and gender-based events such as father-daughter dances.”

So non-transgender students can’t have father-daughter dances anymore, for the well-being of transgender students? So much equity.

And that’s not all.

You can read the entire policy document here.

Virginia has already been tense for weeks due to the battle over Critical Race Theory in schools. Now this topic is going to heat things up even more.

WHSV News reports:

Hundreds show up to speak to Augusta School Board about transgender policyIn Verona Thursday night, hundreds of people showed up at the Augusta County Government Center, most speaking out against a policy that would allow transgender students to use the bathroom aligning with their gender identity.Starting this school year, all public schools in Virginia must take new steps to prevent discrimination based on gender identity. Now, the Augusta County School Board is considering how to align its policies with state law.Those opposed shared fears about re-traumatizing sexually abused children. Some quoted the Bible talking about God’s laws. Others talked about the majority being dictated by the minority. And, several speakers reminded the School Board that they work for the people of Augusta County, not Richmond.“I’m not here to label transgender as an evil person or a bad person at all,” said Danielle Showalter. “But, who knows when someone that isn’t transgender would use it as a cover to harm our children? Even if it happens one time, that’s one time too many.”“It is amazing to see that we’re even talking about this in this area,” stated Harold Munson. “In the name of acceptance and tolerance we’re asked to trample on the rights of the vast majority of our students who find this distressing.”

The left is pushing so much, so hard, and so fast, they are sparking a revolution in public education. Parents are suddenly waking up to the reality of who is running their schools and many of them are fighting to change it.

Tags: Democrats, Education, Gender, Progressives, Transgender, Virginia