Los Angeles County Sheriff Won’t Enforce New Mask Order
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Los Angeles County Sheriff Won’t Enforce New Mask Order

Los Angeles County Sheriff Won’t Enforce New Mask Order

California’s Democratic politicians also aren’t rushing to reimpose mask mandates on everyone, either.

Last week, Los Angeles County reinstated the indoor mask mandate for everyone because of the rise of the COVID-19 delta variant. It even applies to persons with the COVID-19 vaccine.

However, the County’s Sheriff will not enforce those rules. He cited the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) guidelines on the subject of masks.

Los Angeles County Sheriff Alex Villanueva said he will not enforce the reinstated indoor mask mandate because it contradicts guidelines from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.

In a statement Friday, Villanueva said the department is already underfunded and he “will not expend our limited resources” to ensure residents are following the order. He instead asked for voluntary compliance.

“Forcing the vaccinated and those who already contracted Covid-19 to wear masks indoors is not backed by science and contradicts the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) guidelines,” he said.

However, Villanueva gave the County public health officials a suggestion.

Villanueva went on to say that while the county Department of Public Health has the authority to enforce the order, he encourages the agency to “work collaboratively with the Board of Supervisors and law enforcement to establish mandates that are both achievable and supported by science.”

And while California’s continuing response to the coronavirus pandemic continues to be a first-order fiasco, here are some graphs that put the situation into perspective. Given the increasing ineffectiveness of the experimental vaccines, perhaps the better data points to review are deaths and hospitalizations.

To begin with, in the week that led up to this “unscientific” decision, Los Angeles recorded six deaths daily on average that proceeding week.

The number of Los Angeles area hospitalizations isn’t significantly different from proceeding to this decision.

The chaser is the case number. Here is a look at the “spike” preceding this new mask mandate.

A rational and more minor power-mad set of public health officials would recognize that early diagnosis and treatment of COVID-19 is working to substantially decrease the most severe effects. Additionally, it appears the vaccine at least alleviates the worst of the virus for vaccinated persons who experience a breakthrough infection.

Elected Democratic officials are wary of imposing mask mandates on a very frustrated and increasingly angry population. For example, Governor Gavin Newsom (facing a September recall election) isn’t rushing to a state-wide order while other Democrats want masks only on the unvaccinated.

Newsom, who is facing a recall election Sept. 14, loosened California’s mask mandate during the state’s June 15 reopening, bringing the state in line with the current CDC guidance stating that vaccinated individuals only need to wear masks while in transit hubs or other special settings. The state waited a full month to align with the CDC masking guidance — considerably longer than other blue states such as New York and Illinois that adopted the guidance the week it was announced — so it would not be uncharacteristic of California to be the first state to reissue a mask recommendation or mandate more cautious than what the CDC recommends.

However, Los Angeles County has estimated that 99% of new cases, hospitalizations and deaths are occurring among unvaccinated residents, and even prominent Democrats question the wisdom of making vaccinated individuals wear masks.

“I believe mask mandates should be only for those who cannot prove they are fully vaccinated. That’s it,” tweeted Democratic Assemblywoman Lorena Gonzalez, a Newsom ally. “Vaccines are free, safe and available. Their ‘choice’ hurting all of us, unfortunately.”


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2smartforlibs | July 19, 2021 at 1:10 pm

How is a sanctuary city going to take exeption?

This should be fun! Will authorities ask illegal aliens for proof of vaccination?

    Here’s an idea – maybe stop letting hundreds of thousands of unvaccinated people into the USA and then secretly shipping these super-spreaders around the country.





    You have engaged in wrong think. Please report to the nearest citizen’s thought correction facility. Compliance is mandatory. You have 24 hours.

Training Americans to be obedient slaves is hard to do apparently. It would be easier, however, without that damn Second Amendment lurking in the background say the Dems.

And then there are the documented health risks from wearing masks…

Good for the sheriff to say up front that his department won’t enforce it; I want to say he’s done it before. A bunch of other law enforcement agencies certainly have in the past 18 months. We all know one big reason why: to keep the busybodies from plugging up the 911 system in order to tattle on people. Reinstate a mask “mandate” and those busybodies would have no qualms in walking up to unmasked people and asking/demanding to know their vaccination status, cell phone in hand, ready to either call the cops, yell for the store to toss the person out, and/or start filming so they can post the video online in a virtuous public shaming.

    daniel_ream in reply to p. | July 20, 2021 at 1:52 am

    My municipality has passed a mandatory mask bylaw that extends even to the common areas inside a rental apartment building. I refuse to wear a mask in the halls of my own building and I’ve been confronted multiple times by mask Karens.

    Every single time, I tell them to call the police and report me. Then I point out that the police will not respond to such calls, because they know the bylaw is prime facie illegal and if they actually charge anyone it’ll be challenged and thrown out.

    Please, Karen, report me. Because the result will be no more mask bylaw.

      I wouldn’t be surprised if at least one of them has complained about you to the building’s management. Of course, it would be helpful to know your unit number, otherwise, “There’s a guy walking around with a mask!” will likely be met with, “Thanks for letting us know” before it goes into the mental round file. Even if they know your unit number I doubt not wearing a mask in the common areas is an offense that management could take any action over besides a “please wear a mask” note that gets posted around the building. Even in my own building when wearing masks was expected in the common areas not everyone did it, including some of the building’s staff. If it was 2 a.m. and I was heading for the vending machine, why would I need to wear a mask, let alone the front desk attendant who isn’t likely having many people come visit in the wee hours of the morning? Or if I was just running down the hall to the trash chute, something that takes less than a minute, what would be the point since the odds were in my favor I wouldn’t see anyone else?

It’s too late – Biden throwing open the border is spreading Covid like wildfire. And it was intentional.

What they didn’t count on is the uncurable, horribly mutolating Monkey Pox. (May it spread throughout through Hollywood and DC.)

Excellent post with actually data!

I was surprised at our first Latina! Health Director doing this kabuki mask theater, with Newsom’s recall around the corner.

Follow the science. Novel.

Seems to me the key is the sheriff whining about not having all the money he wants. If he was a conservative he’d have a rep for not enforcing masks, and ignoring Cali’s restrictions on the 2nd Amendment.

Infections are not a problem. They are a key component for acquiring herd immunity. There are 10,000,000+ people in LA County. These infection numbers are trivial regardless of whether they are 99% attributable to the unvaccinated (a stat that is of dubious reliability).

Using percentage increases to state the case vastly overstates the impact. The fact is that the death rate is near zero and reporting a couple of hundred hospitalizations as a cause of concern is laughable when we don’t even know whether they were healthy to begin with is a joke.

This is all part of the plan for the teachers’ union to extort another fortune from taxpayers while holding their children for ransom. THAT is your WuFlu epidemic right there.

    You make an excellent point about the use of percentage increases and lack of knowledge of exactly who is getting hospitalized.

    Personally, I’m in the camp that reinstating mask mandates, at least in the US, does not incentivize people to get jabbed like the authorities hope. “OK, I’ll put my mask back on and that’s that. After all, I’ve been wearing one for over a year now.”

BTW, healthy people who get “infected” but remain asymptomatic are not “cases”. Neither do they spread the virus. They are healthy people with strong immune systems who are absorbing and killing the virus. They emerge with stronger immune systems than having been vaccinated.