Former Sen. Claire McCaskill: Capitol Hill Riot Worse Than Benghazi


Former Missouri Senator Claire McCaskill thinks the Capitol Hill Riot was worse than Benghazi.

You remember Benghazi, right? An Islamic militant group attacked two U.S. buildings in Benghazi, Libya. They killed four Americans, including Ambassador Christopher Stevens. Our men had to wait 13 hours before receiving assistance. Our government made them fend for themselves.

If you have not watched the movie 13 Hours do it today. Have Kleenex handy.

Anyway, McCaskill said on Morning Joe:

McCASKILL: “Joe, I have one word: Benghazi. Benghazi had, in the House alone, six investigations, including a select committee. And it was — if you compare and contrast, I don’t want to minimize the loss of life in Benghazi or the problems around the security of those locations. I don’t want to minimize that. But let’s compare and contrast those two events and which is more foundation-shaking to our democracy. I mean, the fact that the heart of our government was attacked and that these people were beating police officers — Americans were beating police officers at the heart of our government trying to protect the members — elected members of our democracy that carry out the functions of that democracy, it is astounding to me that these same people who pounded the podium for years on Benghazi, for years on Benghazi, are saying now saying, ‘What?! No. We don’t need to look at this. Let’s move along. Come on, let’s move along.’ McCarthy proudly said he was doing Benghazi to hurt Hillary Clinton’s numbers. It was obvious, it was such a brutal, bold political move. This doesn’t have to be. They’re making it political by refusing to come together and do what most Americans want, and that is find out what Trump did, why he didn’t do more, why the Pentagon wasn’t ready, all of the questions that still remain unanswered.”

Tags: Benghazi, Capitol Hill Riot January 2021, Claire McCaskill, Morning Joe, MSNBC