Former Sen. Claire McCaskill: Capitol Hill Riot Worse Than Benghazi
McCaskill is subjecting her family to riot footage every Independence Day. I suggest they watch 13 Hours instead.

Former Missouri Senator Claire McCaskill thinks the Capitol Hill Riot was worse than Benghazi.
You remember Benghazi, right? An Islamic militant group attacked two U.S. buildings in Benghazi, Libya. They killed four Americans, including Ambassador Christopher Stevens. Our men had to wait 13 hours before receiving assistance. Our government made them fend for themselves.
If you have not watched the movie 13 Hours do it today. Have Kleenex handy.
Anyway, McCaskill said on Morning Joe:
McCASKILL: “Joe, I have one word: Benghazi. Benghazi had, in the House alone, six investigations, including a select committee. And it was — if you compare and contrast, I don’t want to minimize the loss of life in Benghazi or the problems around the security of those locations. I don’t want to minimize that. But let’s compare and contrast those two events and which is more foundation-shaking to our democracy. I mean, the fact that the heart of our government was attacked and that these people were beating police officers — Americans were beating police officers at the heart of our government trying to protect the members — elected members of our democracy that carry out the functions of that democracy, it is astounding to me that these same people who pounded the podium for years on Benghazi, for years on Benghazi, are saying now saying, ‘What?! No. We don’t need to look at this. Let’s move along. Come on, let’s move along.’ McCarthy proudly said he was doing Benghazi to hurt Hillary Clinton’s numbers. It was obvious, it was such a brutal, bold political move. This doesn’t have to be. They’re making it political by refusing to come together and do what most Americans want, and that is find out what Trump did, why he didn’t do more, why the Pentagon wasn’t ready, all of the questions that still remain unanswered.”
Former politician @clairecmc: “I don’t want to minimize the loss of life in Benghazi” but the Capitol riot was worse
— Tom Elliott (@tomselliott) July 2, 2021
McCaskill: “We’re going to start a new family tradition in my family; on the Fourth of July and every Fourth of July going forward, we’re going to watch” video of the Capitol riot
— Tom Elliott (@tomselliott) July 2, 2021
McCaskill: “We’re going to start a new family tradition in my family; on the Fourth of July and every Fourth of July going forward, we’re going to watch” video of the Capitol riot
— Tom Elliott (@tomselliott) July 2, 2021

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Thankful that she’s no longer leading our country. What a moron.
Wow. Benghazi really? IMO, it didn’t even rise to the level of the ‘gunpowder plot’. Whatever you want to attribute to the folks in DC; they certainly were not Guy Fawkes.
She is yet more proof that the Dem party has descended into mental illness.
Studies point to the fact that over half of Leftist females have mental ptoblems. Obviously the study underestimated the true number.
Recommend she see a gastro doctor to do something about the bile coming out of her mouth.
McCaskill: “We’re going to start a new family tradition in my family; on the Fourth of July and every Fourth of July going forward, we’re going to watch” video of the Capitol riot.
I get the feeling that McCaskill has not thought this through very carefully. The 4th of July commemorates the signing of the Declaration of Independence and the efforts of the American colonists to throw off oppressive rule. Some of the more excitable members of the Khmer Rouge wing of her Party might get the idea she believes the protestors were freedom fighters.
What is she ingesting/smoking? That tool would probably be the first to piss her panties if she were to encounter even 1/10 the violence that the Americans at Benghazi were subjected to.
January 6, in contrast, was a Sunday afternoon at the park. The evidence indicates that any violence was instigated by leftists, and in fact was the result of agents provocateur recruited by the feds.
Don’t expect the Ds nor their hacks in the MSM to cover that angle, though. Their goal is to push the propaganda that 1/6 was a “violent insurrection” instigated by “white supremacists”…and therefore Trump supporters are 1) “violent” 2) “extremist” 3) “white supremacists.”
All this is merely laying the groundwork for persecution and/or imprisonment of political opposition.
“she were to encounter even 1/10 the violence that the Americans at Benghazi were subjected to” That wasn’t her claim to be fair, she was referring to the significance of the actions. Attacking a democratic institution vs the assault of a American property on foreign soil. In particular where Americans were attacking American Law Enforcement.
“The evidence indicates that any violence was instigated by leftist”
Nope that’s completely false, the evidence of leftist involvement is limited to one man who was arrested.
“fact was the result of agents provocateur recruited by the feds.”
Nope again utterly false, no evidence of any of the sort. If you are referring to TC’s comments on this its been debunked.
“Don’t expect the Ds nor their hacks in the MSM to cover that angle” They do actually but from the angle that no one gets why anyone believes the unsubstantiated views you’ve previously highlighted.
“All this is merely laying the groundwork for persecution and/or imprisonment of political opposition”
I could be wrong but I find this very unlikely.
Oh, well, if you say it’s been “debunked,” then I guess it’s been “debunked.” I suppose you rely on sources such as CNN for your assertions.
Insert “rolling eyes” emoji.
As to your first point, it’s still laughable to claim that 1/6 was an “attack on democracy”… the ones who object to calls for a free & fair election with transparent audits when there is statistical evidence that massive election fraud occurred are those who represent the true danger to our REPUBLIC. The Ds are the ones squarely in that camp, bucko.
If the Ds don’t have anything to hide, why are they among the loudest voices against audits and safeguarding the integrity of the election? (Not to mention we were subject to four years of groundless bitching about “Russia Russia Russia” and “Trump stole the election” bullshit.)
There’s no “could” about your being wrong, shill – you ARE wrong.
“suppose you rely on sources such as CNN for your assertions.’
Nope, in this case every reliable source indicates that you are wrong
“statistical evidence that massive election fraud ”
Again nope, the statistical evidence as you call it presented in some of the court cases was so bad they couldn’t even get the state they were in right. Feel free to cite the evidence and I’ll show you why it’s wrong.
“Ds don’t have anything to hide, why are they among the loudest voices against audits and safeguarding the integrity of the election?”
In terms of genuine audits and recounts that’s not true at all. There have been multiple recounts, audits and forensic audits across multitudinous states and counties all giving the same result. The Arizona ‘audit’ which is likely what you refer too is not an audit. It has many issues including : poor counting procedures, partisan participants, non compliance with federal law with regard to oversight, procedure and other aspects, a testing procedure for alleged conspiratorial items which no one has validated, it’s being conducted by a company which not only has zero experience in electoral recounts , audits and forensic audits but hasn’t even been vetted, it’s owner is indeed the originator of some of the conspiracy theories which is clearly a conflict of interest
Russia Russia Russi
Given the Senate intelligence committee evaluated that the Trump campaign did actually provide data to a Russian linked with Putin and that the internet research agency peddled propaganda benefiting Trump’s campaign it’s not unreasonable to try to hold those responsible to account. He did have an uncomfortably close relationship to an authoritarian linked with assassinating dissidents.
With respect, None of the positions you’ve proposed are particularly justifiable. Feel free to try and convince me I’m always open to discussion and reason.
not even Obergruppenfüher Müller could come up with anything even after using his well trained gestapo tactics of arresting Flynn with fraudulent evidence to get him to compose. I do hope his genocidal female relatives in Pomerania had the pleasure of getting repeatedly liberated by the Red Army.
@ Avi Naran
Actually the Mueller report indicated that multiple obstruction charges would be appropriate but DoJ policy was not to indict a sitting president. Barr lied to the public about the contents and he was admonished by a judge recently for that.
You’re wrong. As usual.
You’ve never been right here – not once.
As usual you have nothing. Do you ever actually support anything you say. Do you know what an argument actually is?
Thee opposite of what you present?
I argue facts and i reference them.
I cite law and I reference it.
You blab on, with nothing to support the drivel your type,
@fine report
Sure all your ‘arguments’ are really well supported. You keep telling yourself that.
A protest becomes a brief riot where nobody is killed except one rioter killed by police brutality (You can’t claim killing an unarmed person who is no threat to you is anything but that) it enters the capitol some invited by confused cops some by breaking in through the windows and they all leave very quickly.
That isn’t the worst riot of the last year let alone worst than Benghazi.
Well the video demonstrated that the lady was charging through a barricade when others were smashing a glazed screen. Charachterised her as non threatening when literally hundred if not thousands had breached the building, when 140 officers were assaulted is a non starter. Many considered the death count incredibly low, the potential for many more causalities was high.
I don’t think you appreciate the significance of attacking the a democratic process whilst it’s happening. Minimising the actions of those who breached the capitol is a disservice.
“I could be wrong but I find this very unlikely.”
You’ve summarized your problem concisely.
I will never forget her ignorant “I’ll use my mommy voice” rant when her constituents in MO said Obamacare was garbage.
it makes a difference when the violence and crowds are at YOUR house and YOUR workplace. I think the other couple from St. Louis figured that out also.
The couple in St. Louis are idiots. Don’t be fooled, they are part of the “elite” trying to destroy us.
Yes, I got the message too. The secret meeting is this Wednesday, at the liquor store at the corner of 5th and Main.
Yeah. Benghazi wasn’t as bad, because it didn’t happen to HER.
Geez, no wonder republicans are seen as a bunch of idiots. I gotta ask why? Is she part of the Clinton kickback scheme? I can’t believe she is that stupid and got elected (maybe the fix was in).
Is there any chance or hope for us or have the elite taken over our whole lives and stolen our kids?
McCaskill is a Democrat. Always has been.
You may be confusing her with soon-to-be-former Wyoming congresscritter Liz Cheney.
Admittedly, it’s often hard to tell the difference.
Hmmm. In Benghazi, four American diplomatic service personnel were killed by armed attackers in a prolonged violent event.
On January 6, the only confirmed act of violence was carried out by a Capitol cop who shot and killed an unarmed woman without discernible justification.
Maybe there was a YouTube video we can blame?
140 officers were assaulted on Jan 6th
Worse, one of them was called a doody-head.
If want to hang your hat on ‘assault of LEO’ as the key indicator of whether the individuals involved are engaged in legitimate and lawful protest v illegitimate and unlawful anarchy………I am totally fine with that, though you may not be.
The claim is that it was a non violent protest this demonstrates categorically that it wasn’t. The legality of entering a building, obstructing a democratic and constitutional process is without doubt illegal. Protestors don’t get to do that.
I agree that the folks who entered the capital building without invitation were acting illegally. Those who assaulted LEO or damaged property as well.
Actors in other locations who, as a group or as part of a larger group, trespass, damage property, assault LEO or bystanders ECT, should be treated the same.
When antifa or blm groups are held without bail for trespass or other more serious charges at a future date, I am not at all confident that those, like you, who demanded this treatment for participants of Jan 6 events will remain consistent.
As I stated above, I have no issue with an equal application of this Jan 6 standard for prosecution of mob behavior. I doubt you do.
“When antifa or blm groups are held without bail for trespass or other more serious charges at a future date, I am not at all confident that those, like you, who demanded this treatment for participants of Jan 6 events will remain consistent.” Its a fair point, as I’ve stated before any criminality should be prosecuted. Protest should be lawful and peaceful, I don’t believe in making excuses for others even when they might claim to have some kind of sufficient cause to do so. Certainly not in the context of a functional democracy.
“Actors in other locations who, as a group or as part of a larger group, trespass, damage property, assault LEO or bystanders ECT, should be treated the same.” Good to hear, I appreciate your integrity and honesty.
Assertion monkey asserts.
140 officers are assaulted nightly in Portland.
Thousands were assaulted in the summer of 2020.
>>>> Crickets from Democrats who thought disorder improved their prospects in the 2020 election. Using McCaskill’s logic, the summer of 2020 was a violent insurrection because the point was to impact the results of the 2020 election.
Jan 6 was a riot and not the “finest hour” for the right – but it was far from an “insurrection”. Furthermore, using the term “insurrection” to describe Jan 6 essentially identifies the user as a partisan ideologue on the left.
This is the heart of the issue Ben, I’ve never defended the violent aspects of the BLM riots. It’s not actually relevant to the question which is the charachterisation of the capitol building riots . There are those on the right who insist it was a peaceful protest and a nothing burger to borrow another’s parlance. The reality is as you rightly say that Jan 6th was not anyone’s finest hour. The charahcterisation of insurrection is used because of the threat to democracy. Nothing like this has happened for what two centuries.
You seem to be ascribing as yet unproven motives to the actors on Jan 6.
In the USA we don’t have a statute that encompasses any notion of ‘Less Majeste’. This seems to be the primary distinction between our points of view.
Property crimes, trespass and assault against LEO are not good or bad nor less or more dangerous due to the motives of those who commit them or the location where committed.
We do have statues that address ‘treason’ and ‘insurrection’ that would apply to those people who were engaged in the sort of heightened ideologically motivated acts that you seem to be insisting occurred.
So far the government has not made those charges.
Is every Progressive Politician this delusional?? WHAT is in the water in DC??
Same as in Hollywood.
Look: if all you watch is CNN and all you read is the NY Times or Bezo’s WAPO, and all you learned was leftist garbage in school, and most important: if you have been bought and paid for by the likes of the ChiComms or Soros’ gang, you betray your country and tow the party line and get rich doing it.
No greater examle than Biden.
What planet do these people live on? What drugs are they on?
You’re wrong. As usual.
You’ve never been right here – not once.
@fine report
And yet you can never demonstrate why I’m wrong, on any subject with any facts or sources or even anything remotely representing logic.
As ever fine report you demonstrate that you are completely unable to think in any respect whatsoever.
Duh, I am able to think in some respects.
The difference between an effective troll and you is that you never cite to any authority – because you have none. You make dumb statements, with no backup of law or fact.
Another difference between you and I is that I don’t live in my mother’s basement.
You mentioned “reliable sources”. Name which sources you consider ‘reliable’.
Comical, isn’t it?
Is she really this stupid? Is AOC?
Stupid or not, these are malignant people urging deranged acts. And they infest our government.
AOC stupid? It’s truly hard to be stupider than to fear for your life because people are invading a building that isn’t the building you are in, while no one is invading the building you are in.
In the late ’70s, my wife worked as an elite (white-glove) secretarial temp. She would take work in suburban VA, but refuse postings to the District because — let’s face it — it was a bad neighborhood, and nobody pretended otherwise.
However, in March of 1977, she got a four-week bid from DC that was just too lucrative to let go, so she relented. The third day she was there, a group of Hanafi Muslims invaded and seized the District Building, right across the street from her, held it for three days, and shot several people. In other words, clearly way worse than the 1/6 “invasion” of the Capitol.
My wife decided not to call a press conference to have a public panic attack. Instead, she informed her supervisor that he would need to arrange for a replacement temp to take over on Thursday, worked until end of business, then never came back. She also never took work in the District again.
All and all, it was no more or less than either of us expected from our National Zoo.
Did Hillary call her up and have Bill threaten….uh….sorry…..Discuss…. grandchildren?
Talks tough……acts foolish.
Any relation to Pelosi?
Wow, who would have thought a Dimocrat would say the murder of one Trump supporter at the Capitol was worse than the murder of 4 government employees on foreign soil and the subsequent cover-up. /s
thank goodness Josh Hawley got her out of the senate
Lie much, Claire?
She never heard of Portland or Seattle did she?
Even if she did, you don’t think she’s still on the gravey train even out of office?
only one American was killed on Jan 6
we should rename the day “Ashli Babbitt Day”
McCaskill’s micrognathia makes her look like she’s right out of Deliverance
Yes. no insurrection. One unarmed woman murdered by as yet undisclosed congressional security officer. More than two trimesters of national witch hunts and warlock trials and denial of civil rights by the Biden regime
In Benghazi it was social justice without borders. A violent coup, mass abortion fields, catastrophic anthropogenic immigration reform, and the removed regime was literally sodomized and aborted in the streets.
And….The Capital Hill ‘riot’ was worse than Hiroshima. Just ask AOC.
When MSNBC anchors do an interview, do they first tell guests “We want crazy; we expect crazy; GIVE US SOME CRAZY!”
These mouthy b’tards need to be introduced to the old tradition of blanket parties. Maybe then they’ll learn to control their tongues.
She is just plain godd*mned delusional.
When I see McCaskill I just see a clown like the Joker.
On Jan 6th they deliberately killed one patriot whereas at Benghazi they deliberately let 4 die
Hey, idiot Dhimmi-crat, McCaskill — why invoke Benghazi? We can and should be invoking a comparison to the ten-plus months of wanton destruction of American cities and businesses, the murdering of scores of innocents, the attacks upon law enforcement officers, the destruction of statues and monuments and the desecration of synagogues — all vicious, despicable and evil acts carried out by gleeful and vengeful mobs of goose-stepping Dhimmi-crats.