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CNN’s Primetime Line-up Fails to Crack a Million Viewers as Network Crashes and Burns

CNN’s Primetime Line-up Fails to Crack a Million Viewers as Network Crashes and Burns

“Struggling CNN didn’t have a single program surpass the 1-million viewer plateau on Thursday.”

CNN is continuing its post-Trump slide into cable news ratings oblivion. Even their top-rated shows are struggling to gain a respectable number of viewers.

Anderson Cooper, Don Lemon, and Chris Cuomo all failed to reach a million viewers on Thursday.

Brian Flood reports at FOX News:

CNN continues to struggle as entire lineup fails to crack one million viewers

Struggling CNN didn’t have a single program surpass the 1-million viewer plateau on Thursday.

“Anderson Cooper 360” came the closest, averaging 992,000, but the scandal-plagued “Cuomo Prime Time” lost 40,000 viewers and “Don Lemon Tonight” managed only 635,000 to drag down CNN’s primetime average.

CNN averaged only 719,000 viewers during the primetime hours of 8-11 p.m. ET, while Fox News averaged 2.08 million during the same time period. CNN has failed to reach more than 1 million total viewers on 16 different days from June 9 through July 8.

CNN struggled to attract viewers throughout the day, starting with “New Day” attracting an audience of merely 421,000. The liberal network failed to reach even 800,000 viewers until “Erin Burnett OutFront” managed 849,000 at 7 p.m. ET.

Meanwhile, every Fox News program from 7 a.m. ET through the conclusion of “Gutfeld!” at midnight ET averaged more than 1 million viewers. “Tucker Carlson Tonight” led the way, averaging 3.2 million viewers to outdraw all of CNN’s primetime programming combined.

Ten years ago, conservatives complained about media bias. We are beyond that now. With very few exceptions, the media seems more and more like the public relations department of the far left. And this is having a major impact on how the public perceives them.

A recent poll from Rasmussen is the proof. Tim Graham reports at NewsBusters:

SHOCKING Rasmussen Poll: 58 Percent Agree That Media Are ‘Enemy of the People’

This is shocking. The latest phone and online survey by Rasmussen Reports found voters overwhelmingly believe “fake news” is a problem, and a majority — 58 percent! — agree with former President Donald Trump that the media have become “the enemy of the people.”

To be precise, Rasmussen found that 58% of likely U.S. voters at least somewhat agree with the statement that the media are “truly the enemy of the people,” including 34% who “strongly agree.” Thirty-six percent don’t agree, including 23% who “strongly disagree.” Fully 76 percent of Republicans and 61 percent of independents agreed.

They also asked:

Do you trust the political news you are getting? They found 37 percent say they trust the news they’re getting, compared to 43 percent who don’t trust it, and 20 percent who are not sure.

This is a problem entirely of the media’s own making, and they are showing no desire to fix it.


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Fifty eight percent is probably not the real number. I would guess it to be seven out of ten Americans that think this way

    The scary thing is that there are a LOT of people who would be on the right, but for their own anxiety just stay out of dealing with politics. In other words, they read the democrat media as a habit, and just go along willfully blind – or just repeat what their liberal wives spiel.

    Oddly, these types of people otherwise live their lives quite conservatively.


    Concise in reply to scooterjay. | July 11, 2021 at 11:37 am

    Very odd with 80 plus million Biden voters floating around out there. But I guess the reality is one can’t rig ratings the same way as elections.

It should read “58% of those who are still willing to answer Polls say they distrust the media”

Most people I know will never take a Poll or a Survey. They are smart enough to know that most Pollsters design the Poll to achieve results they want. And of those why are skeptical enough to avoid taking Polls, I would say 90+% distrust the mainstream media.

I wonder how much money AT&T is losing on CNN every month. And how much longer will they put up with this dumpster-fire?

    irv in reply to Ben Kent. | July 10, 2021 at 11:16 am

    Years ago, when I was working at a newspaper on election night, I noticed that the folks in the newsroom would not even consider getting their news from anywhere but CNN. Fox News? Didn’t even exist. MSNBC? entertaining but not news.

    CNN was king (along with the New York Times but that’s print and not real time)

    Though times have changed, so has the industry. I theorize that most of the remaining ratings come from people like the ones in the news room, who consider CNN’s prestige to be enormous.

    I believe that as long as there are media people who still look to CNN for The Truth, it’s terrible performance will be a secondary consideration.

    Valerie in reply to Ben Kent. | July 10, 2021 at 1:13 pm

    AT&T isn’t being run as a business, and its stock performance shows it.

    scooterjay in reply to Ben Kent. | July 10, 2021 at 1:37 pm

    CNN probably funded by the CCP

      Barry in reply to scooterjay. | July 10, 2021 at 11:39 pm

      The democrat party (includes the media) along with 85% of the republican party are owned by the CCP.

      Frank Hammond in reply to scooterjay. | July 11, 2021 at 7:49 pm

      CNN is making $$$Millions through cable subscriptions that force people to pay for stations they never watch.

      It doesn’t matter if two people are watching CNN, the Fake News Network still gets paid every month.

Brings a tears of joy to my eyes.

Sure, it might be a blow to some people’s pride if their ratings are in the toilet, but they’re still getting paid.

If CNN is willing to keep Chris Cuomo around despite the serious conflict of interest issues and declining ratings, that’s a sign that upper management is perfectly fine with the tone CNN is taking in its reporting and commentary and even if they started dumping people due to lack of rating they’d bring on new ones to continue in the same vein.

It’s been all downhill since they lost the airport contract.

2smartforlibs | July 10, 2021 at 11:22 am

When will either of these half-wits call for Quid Pro to be held to the 25th amendment? They sure wasted no tie making that demand of Trump

I love the smell of burning ‘news network’ in the morning.

All they need is some breaking Kardashian news. Back on top, amirite?

Don’t forget the people who won’t watch CNN because it isn’t liberal enough.

Halcyon Daze | July 10, 2021 at 12:30 pm

Are the Alphabet Agencies in the Swamp paying to keep CNN afloat?

They ridicule those that are far more in touch. They are so smug about their righteousness and so oblivious to their ignorance.

I watched CNN right up until they got caught lying about American troops targeting reporters at a conference, and then failing to publish the videos.

One of their fabulists also ‘fessed up to covering up for Saddam Hussein.

Whatever else they do, they do not present the news.

with a 24 hour news cycle they can’t even produce a half hour or one hour headline based show for more than 4-5 hours a day. The HLN network went the way of MTV.

From the 1990’s to about 2010 I watched CNN frequently.

Everybody told me not to watch Fox – so I figured I should find out what they were so concerned about.

For about 2 years I watched both and found CNN’s partisan gaslighting coverage was biased and unfair. FOX had its share of biased coverage – but it rarely pushed straight-up lies. So I found myself watch more and more FOX.

Most of the people I know have slowly come to the same realization. One just told me last month that he was disgusted by CNN. He’s one of those who told me 10 years earlier to never watch FOX. Amazing how life can come full circle.

I think CNN has blown whatever credibility it once had.

    buck61 in reply to Ben Kent. | July 10, 2021 at 2:13 pm

    at one time they had shows that had fairly equal representation. They had a show like Crossfire, Evans and Novak, Carville and Matalin. Those days are long gone.

      p in reply to buck61. | July 10, 2021 at 3:27 pm

      Very true, and you got the sense that on those panel shows even if they strenuously disagreed with each other once the cameras quit rolling they’d go out to have a beer together (or in the case of Carville and Matalin, go home to their kids).

      Now even the supposedly unbiased anchors will get confrontational and do little to hide their disdain for interviewees they don’t like.

      Barry in reply to buck61. | July 10, 2021 at 11:42 pm

      The far left arguing with the further far left.

Q: What’s the difference between CNN and a community-access cable channel?

A: The community-access channel has far more interesting programs and a much larger viewership.

Way back,, as a kid,, I volunteered to do the layout for our high school paper.
It wasn’t much.. but I did learn that there is a difference between news and editorial. That is my entire personal exposure to this industry.. and I have to wonder why CNN did not adhere to this basic distinction.
I hope their dissolution is slow, and expensive. I will enjoy watching.

CNN and it’s owners do not care. Any revenue they generate is a bonus used to offset costs. Of course they’d like to maximize that revenue. But the bottom line is CNN could lose money forever and remain ‘in business’.

Because CNN is a leftwing propaganda operation. And basically a PAC. Supported by radical lefties who don’t care if they lose money. Because The Cause is worth it.

This is basically Twitter’s ‘business model’.