Chicago Mayor Lightfoot Thinks ‘About 99%’ of Criticism Aimed at Her is Due to Racism and Sexism

Chicago Mayor Lori Lightfoot claimed around 99% of the criticism thrown at her is because of racism and sexism:

“About 99%” of the criticism Lightfoot gets as mayor is motivated by racism and sexism, Lightfoot told WTTW News.“Look at my predecessors,” Lightfoot said, adding that former Mayor Richard M. Daley wasn’t known for holding “tea sessions” with opponents and that former Mayor Rahm Emanuel wasn’t known as a “polite guy who was a uniter.”“Women and people of color are always held to a different standard,” Lightfoot said. “I’ve known that my whole life.”Lightfoot said she was elected to “disrupt the status quo” and that is designed to make people uncomfortable but pledged to continue improving.Lightfoot said her critics are motivated to speak out because they “don’t like to see a woman assume power.”

Shut up. Shut up. SHUT UP.

I am sick and tired of people using the race and sex card to deflect criticism. Are some because of racism and sexism? Sure. But 99%? Heck no.

I grew up in Chicago. I still have family in Chicago. I still follow Chicago news. Guess what. People slammed Daley and went hard against Emanuel.

If you cannot take the heat get out of the kitchen. Wait, is that sexist?

Lightfoot’s comments give fuel to sexists. “See? Women cannot handle being in charge! They’re too emotional and whiny.”

Please stop ruining the progress women fought and sacrificed for so someone like Lightfoot could be mayor of a large city like Chicago.

Tags: Chicago, Illinois, Lori Lightfoot