Pelosi Will Establish Select Committee of Democrats to Investigate Capitol Hill Riot

Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi poured on the drama and lies when she announced she will establish a special committee to investigate the Capitol Hill Riot.

House Republicans voted against forming a select committee to investigate the riot. Since they would not change their minds Pelosi decided she will make one herself.

From CNN:

Pelosi said it would have been “preferable” to have an outside commission to investigate the January 6 attack, but said she was not worried that the select committee would dismissed as a political effort.”I don’t worry about that at all,” Pelosi said. “I have no intention of walking away from our responsibility.”With a select committee, Democrats are likely to have unilateral subpoena power, just as Republicans did when they created a select committee to investigate the deadly 2012 terrorist attack on the US compound in Benghazi, Libya.The select committee is likely to closely examine the role Trump played in the lead up to the attack, in which the former President spread lies about the 2020 election being stolen from him. But the panel could also look at the role that some House members played, including McCarthy’s conversations with Trump as the riot was unfolding.

Republicans considered a select committee a waste of time. The Senate has two committees investigating the riot. The Department of Justice is concentrating on criminal charges.

Pelosi also said the committee can take as long as it needs to find the truth behind the riot.

In other words, it will take forever and they will forever talk about it as if it is the worst thing to ever happen in America.

Pelosi also lied about the deaths and injuries during the riot:

“This gleeful desecration of the Capitol resulted in multiple deaths, and physical harm to over 140 members of law enforcement and terror and trauma to staff, workers and members,” said Mrs. Pelosi at a press conference on Thursday. “That trauma is something I can never forget or forgive.”

Multiple deaths? Ashli Babbitt’s death is the only one associated with the riot. We still do not know who killed her.

Tags: Capitol Hill Riot January 2021, Nancy Pelosi