Judge Orders Reinstatement of Virginia Teacher Tanner Cross, Who Objected to Proposed “Preferred Pronoun” Policy

Byron Tanner Cross Loudon County Virginia School Teacher

We recently covered Virginia teacher Byron “Tanner” Cross who Sued Over Suspension For Publicly Opposing Proposed “Preferred Pronoun” Policy.

A court has just granted a temporary injunction reinstating Cross, according to a tweet from his lawyers, Alliance Defending Freedom:

BREAKING: Tanner Cross, a Virginia elementary school teacher and ADF client who was suspended for raising concerns to the board about a proposed gender policy, has won a temporary injunction and the judge has ordered his reinstatement.A massive victory for freedom of speech.


NBC4 reports:

A Virginia teacher must be reinstated from leave after telling the school board he wouldn’t address transgender students by their pronouns, a judge ruled.The court granted Tanner Cross’s request for a temporary injunction immediately, saying the district must allow him to return to his position and stop banning him from Loudoun County Public Schools property.Judge James E. Plowman Jr. wrote that he granted the injunction because Cross’s rights to speech and religious liberty are central to the case….During Friday’s hearing, an attorney for the school system said the principal at Leesburg Elementary School had to remove Cross from one of his jobs the next day because he feared backlash from parents, and over the course of 48 hours, five parents asked him to remove their child from Cross’s class.Cross’s attorney argued it was his client’s right under the First Amendment of the Constitution to express his views at the public meeting.

Here is the ORDER.