Joe Biden Putting Kamala Harris in Charge of Protecting ‘Voting Rights’

Joe Biden announced this week that he is putting Vice President Harris in charge of protecting voting rights. Biden made this move to reinforce the Democrat narrative that minorities suffer from voter suppression.

It’s all about their efforts to prove a need for their HR1 Bill, which would radically alter the way we conduct elections.

Brett Samuels reported at The Hill:

Biden puts Harris in charge of efforts to protect voting rightsPresident Biden on Tuesday tasked Vice President Harris with leading his administration’s efforts to protect voting rights, adding an urgent and complex issue to her growing portfolio.Biden made the announcement during a speech in Tulsa, Okla., where he marked the 100th anniversary of a massacre in which a white mob killed hundreds of Black people and destroyed a thriving community known as Black Wall Street.The president pointed to the systemic challenges facing Black Americans 100 years later, including threats to the right to vote as multiple states debate and pass laws that experts say will make it more difficult for minorities in particular to cast their ballot.”To signify the importance of our efforts, today I’m asking Vice President Harris to help these efforts and lead them among her many other responsibilities,” Biden said. “With her leadership and your support, we’re going to overcome again, but it’s going to take a hell of a lot of work.”

Kamala’s plate is getting pretty full. In March, Biden put her in charge of the border crisis. She has not bothered to visit there or do anything.

In April, during his first address to Congress, Biden put Harris in charge of his ‘American Jobs Plan.’

Transcript via the White House:

The American Jobs Plan creates jobs replacing 100 percent of the nation’s lead pipes and service lines so every American can drink clean water. (Applause.)And in the process, it will create thousands and thousands of good-paying jobs. It creates jobs connecting every American with high-speed Internet, including 35 percent of the rural America that still doesn’t have it.This is going to help our kids and our businesses succeed in the 21st-century economy.And I am asking the Vice President to lead this effort, if she would —THE VICE PRESIDENT: Of course.THE PRESIDENT: — because I know it will get done. (Applause.)

Harris certainly has taken on a lot of responsibility. But, pity, she has nothing to show for it so far.

Tags: Biden Administration, Democrats, Kamala Harris