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Georgia’s ‘Teacher of the Year’ Wants Critical Race Theory Taught in Schools

Georgia’s ‘Teacher of the Year’ Wants Critical Race Theory Taught in Schools

“I was the first to speak out against the resolution”

If I had kids, I would not send them to public schools. I would not have said that just a few years ago.

WABE News reports:

Georgia Teacher Of The Year Explains Why She Feels Critical Race Theory Should Be Taught In Schools

Tracey Pendley says part of her job as Georgia’s 2020 Teacher of the Year is to speak out about the concerns of students, teachers and parents.

On Wednesday’s edition of “Closer Look,” Pendley, a fourth-grade teacher and an ex-officio Georgia Board of Education member, talked with show host Rose Scott about her background and passion for teaching.

She also shared her thoughts about the Georgia Board of Education’s recent move to pass a resolution banning Critical Race Theory from being taught in K-12 public schools.

“I was the first to speak out against the resolution,” Pendley said. “I’ve received hundreds of emails from stakeholders across the state opposing this resolution.”


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She is an inner city teacher in Atlanta. Usually the ToY are the ones who recently got their doctorate and related their doctoral thesis to their class or school.

I would bet that she is like a grain of white rice in a bucket of coal at her school.

healthguyfsu | June 26, 2021 at 4:15 pm

She is teacher of the year because she supports the marxist line.

Unfortunately the majority (I have been licensed for over 25 years in GA) of teachers grew up in academia and have never held a job outside of education. They, for the most part, live in a lala land. These people need to stick to the three R’s and be forced to stop attempting to brainwash our children!

First they indoctrinate the indoctrinators (err, I mean, educators).

Prime example of why school vouchers should follow the child. Private schools, Charter schools, Home school. Let the educators compete and let the parents choose.