#FauciEmails Reveal A Career Bureaucrat Who Followed Political, Not Medical, Science
Jack Posobiec: “White House staff are actively discussing an exit strategy for Dr Anthony Fauci following the release of his emails yesterday, per WH official”

This has been a terrible, horrible, no good, very bad week for the propagandists in the leftstream activist media and the truth-deniers in Big Tech. First, we learn that, yes, the coronavirus did likely emerge, bio-engineered, from a Chinese lab. Now we are learning what Anthony Fauci knew and when he knew it.
The Washington Post and BuzzFeed obtained via FOIA thousands of emails to and from Fauci regarding the WuFlu pandemic.
Anthony Fauci’s pandemic emails from March and April 2020, obtained through the Freedom of Information Act, offer a peek into his world during the frantic early days of the coronavirus crisis. https://t.co/PWm2Kiep7j
— The Washington Post (@washingtonpost) June 1, 2021
NEW: Here is the link to 3,200 pages of Anthony Fauci's emails about Covid @BuzzFeedNews & I obtained via #FOIA https://t.co/AomBDQ6W6y
— Jason Leopold (@JasonLeopold) June 1, 2021
While the propagandist media is busy fawning over Fauci as some sort of superhuman godlet who was single-handedly battling WuFlu in some kind of one-man cage match against President Trump and the Wuhan coronavirus, these emails reveal a startling truth. They tell the story not just of Fauci’s blatant, politically-motivated lies to the public but also the great lengths the legacy media and Big Tech went to shut down any discussion of the virus’s origins or mask use efficacy. It was not about stopping the spread of “misinformation” but was a calculated political ploy to shut down the truth. But we knew that. And now we have proof.
Legal Insurrection’s very own Leslie, in her extensive coverage of the virus, posted reports that COVID-19 may have originated in a Chinese lab in March 2020. Such statements were deemed “misinformation” and banned from YouTube, Facebook, and Twitter.
It turns out that Fauci knew about credible scientists who believed that the virus was released from a Chinese lab and that it was potentially bio-engineered back in January and February of 2020.
Dr. Fauci knew trusted scientists found COVID had unusual features that didn’t fit with evolutionary theory and he knew they thought it was likely COVID was engineered in January 2020. Yet he told media science supported a natural origin while dismissing the idea of a lab leak. pic.twitter.com/tq29T29Efa
— Robby Starbuck (@robbystarbuck) June 2, 2021
Here's a Feb 21, 2020 email to Fauci from a Weill Cornell Medical College associate professor of dermatology who wrote: "we think that there is a possibility that the virus was released from a lab in wuhan, the biotech area of china"
Fauci fwds to a colleague: "please handle" pic.twitter.com/ZjIZztCNU1
— Jason Leopold (@JasonLeopold) June 1, 2021
Scientist Kristian Anderson told Fauci SARS-CoV-2 has “unusual features” that “potentially look engineered”.
Not long after this email, the scientists authored a piece insisting the virus was natural and Fauci said the same publicly. This is a massive cover-up.
(Buzzfeed FOIA) pic.twitter.com/BD3OUzgDzR
— Sharri Markson (@SharriMarkson) June 2, 2021
Fauci, who knew better, stood by silently and let the vultures drag down President Trump for suggesting the virus originated in a Chinese lab. Yet Fauci was heartily thanked (by a big donor to the NIH) for dismissing the theory . . . in public, anyway.
BREAKING: Email Shows Researcher Who Funded Wuhan Lab, Admits Manipulating Coronaviruses, Thanked Fauci For Dismissing Wuhan Lab-Leak Theory https://t.co/YFiCrl0FhC
— AntifaBook.com (@JackPosobiec) June 2, 2021
Peter Daszak, a zoologist whose non-profit steered U.S. funding to the Wuhan Institute of Virology, thanked Dr. Anthony Fauci for pushing back on the theory that the coronavirus leaked from a lab, in an April 2020 email published as part of a FOIA request by Buzzfeed.
Daszak’s organization, the EcoHealth Alliance, funneled $3.4 million in grants from the National Institutes of Health to the WIV to study bat coronaviruses between 2014 and 2019. While politicians and scientists in the U.S. have suggested that the novel coronavirus initially leaked from the WIV before spreading across the globe, Daszak has vehemently denied the allegation.
“I just wanted to say a personal thank you on behalf of our staff and collaborators, for publicly standing up and stating that the scientific evidence supports a natural origin for COVID-19 from a bat-to-human spillover, not a lab release from the Wuhan Institute of Virology,” Daszak wrote to Fauci on April 18, 2020.
“From my perspective, your comments are brave, and coming from your trusted voice, will help dispel the myths being spun around the virus’s origins,” Daszak added. Fauci responded to Daszak’s email on April 19, writing “Many thanks for your kind note.”
Additionally, Fauci has come under fire for his early insistence that no one needs a mask to suddenly demanding everyone should wear one (or three!). The Democrat lapdog media explained this flip-flop as an heroic effort to keep sufficient medical-grade masks available for medical professionals who know how to use them properly.
The problem, of course, is that the public wasn’t buying those; they were buying utterly useless (according to Fauci’s emails) masks at the store or online . . . or were making them at home.
It turns out that he’s not a hopelessly incompetent medical professional. He knew that the masks one buys at the store (or worse, whips up at home from old concert tees and rubber bands) are ineffective because the virus itself is so tiny.
#Fauci says masks aren’t needed unless you’re sick and notes the #SARS_CoV_2 is so small it passes easily between #mask fibers #Fauciemails pic.twitter.com/8mdPVPho2L
— Philip Holloway
(@PhilHollowayEsq) June 2, 2021
Two Fauci emails. In one he says that masks are for sick people. In the other he admits that asymptomatic spread is rare. So why were people with no symptoms wearing masks for a year? It’s almost like it was all a charade. pic.twitter.com/gu8rn5R0yj
— Matt Walsh (@MattWalshBlog) June 2, 2021
So he knew as a medical professional, and he lied—and is still lying—as a career bureaucrat.
It boggles the mind at what could be so sensitive that a bureaucrat’s take on mask wearing from April 2020 would need to be redacted from the #Fauciemails
— Philip Holloway
(@PhilHollowayEsq) June 2, 2021
In an email physicist Erik Nielsen sent to Fauci on March 2020, he recommended not one, but TWO DRUGS that could help battle #COVID19. One of the drugs was Hydroxicloroquine.
Donald Trump was dragged when he recommended the same drug.
Fauci allowed this to happen#FauciEmails pic.twitter.com/aafOlsUsRj
— Junior Millionaire (@JAPMXVI) June 2, 2021
Further emails show that Fauci colluded with Facebook’s Mark Zuckerberg on an “information hub” regarding the accepted (for public consumption) narrative.
The emails reviewed by BuzzFeed News reveal him sparring over an antiviral drug with Ezekiel Emanuel, a former Obama administration health adviser, fielding questions about vaccines, and receiving an update from Mark Zuckerberg on Facebook’s plans for a coronavirus “information hub.” Zuckerberg also asked whether the social media company could provide resources to accelerate vaccine testing.
Now Big Tech is facing a reckoning because it essentially stifled reasonable debate, including methodological and scientific studies, that countered national Democrats’ desired narrative. As a result, Facebook had to walk back the bans and allow this “misinformation” to be shared because the silenced reports have turned out to be correct.
Please don’t get excited. Big Tech won’t learn from this debacle. Instead, they will continue to decide what people can and cannot discuss. National Democrats, who will always insist on their partisan political narrative over truth, will continue to dictate these decisions from on high.
The truth may out, but the Democrats will have achieved their goal by the time it does. So what do they care if their media activist arm and their Big Tech enforcers have egg all over their faces?
Of course, people have thoughts.
Told you
— Senator Rand Paul (@RandPaul) June 2, 2021
Fauci wasn't following science as a primary goal. He was a bureaucratic institutionalist, which is precisely what you would expect from a career bureaucrat. Which is why it was insane for the media to saint him as a groundbreaking truthteller just to spite Trump.
— Ben Shapiro (@benshapiro) June 2, 2021
Fauci has singlehandedly transferred medical science into political science.
This level of medical deceit to effectuate political control is unprecedented in American history.#FauciEmails
— Marina Medvin
(@MarinaMedvin) June 2, 2021
So far, the Fauci FOIA emails show:
-He had some urgent, time sensitive discussions about gain of function.
-Told colleagues retail masks don't work due to size of virus.
-Ignored scientist who told him China was lying about virus and data.
-Was well aware of possible lab leak.— Jordan Schachtel (@JordanSchachtel) June 2, 2021
Historians will be so confused by the media’s lionization of Fauci. Once politics of the moment are removed from the equation, Fauci will be seen as having been consistently wrong, disingenuous, self-aggrandizing—and possibly much, much worse (gain of function, etc.) #FauciEmails
— Cliff Sims (@Cliff_Sims) June 2, 2021
We’ve been needing to #FireFauci for months now, but after these #FauciEmails we simply cannot wait another day.
How many lives could have been saved if these people were worried about science rather than PR?
— Lauren Boebert (@laurenboebert) June 2, 2021
Fauci fired my former boss – one of the best scientists in the world. He what a scientist shouldn't be. The problem isn't only Fauci but a system letting creatures like him to be on the top of one of the most important institutes NIAID for 40 years!#FauciLeaks #FauciEmails https://t.co/Pjljl5ZKdD
— Dr Lidiya Angelova (@angelovalidiya) June 2, 2021
I don’t see how anyone trusts “public health experts” ever again after reading the #FauciEmails.
— Internet Dad Mike Cernovich (@Cernovich) June 2, 2021
Fauci was just the John Roberts of public health: a guy trying to protect an institution without regard to the purpose of the institution itself.
— Ben Shapiro (@benshapiro) June 2, 2021
Apparently, the White House is “looking for an exit strategy” for Fauci.
White House staff are actively discussing an exit strategy for Dr Anthony Fauci following the release of his emails yesterday, per WH official
— AntifaBook.com (@JackPosobiec) June 2, 2021
We’ll keep you posted.

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Fauci needs to be unemployed.
I learned the hard way that it was not wise to hire within the Beltway, I was fleeced numerous times by Beltway insiders. One received money for 3 months, did nothing in that time, and then when I fired her she sold our propriety information to or opponents.
It seems pretty clear that Faucie fits that business model. Faucie is a perfect example of the problem Trump had,
No, Fauci needs to rot in hell along with the entire Democrat party and the lying media.
“Historians will be so confused by the media’s lionization of Fauci.”
Only if they have no brains and a complete lack of understanding of 21st century media.
“Fauci needs to be unemployed.”
Hardly a penalty with a $200k+/year pension.
Being a POS is very profitable.
Fauci got confused. He thought he was on of the ruling elite, not one if its servants. So, he needed to be put in his place and reminded of the true order of things.
It’s all over for “The Fauch”. Even with his talent for circumlocution and baffle gab, he can’t possibly paint his way out of this corner.
I asked Gomer Pyle what his reaction was to this. And he said, “Surprise, surprise, surprise!”
I think Gomer’s sister ‘Steamy’ is the House Speaker.
Exit stage left
Name 5 people aside from Trump, Fauci, Rand Paul, Cruz, Desantos, and Abbot who don’t fit that exact profile based on their pandemic behavior.
Interesting point, but of course, we expect politicians to be political, right? We hope that certain institutions (the Supremes, the FBI, the NIH, the CDC) are not political animals but actually care about their charge. Fauci crossed the line and your lumping him in with politicians (even right ones) simply underscores the travesty here. Fauci is not elected, he is a career swamp creature who bent to the will of the swamp even in the face of actual scientific and medical data that told him otherwise. Disgraceful.
Exactly. These bureaucrats have forgotten that they are public servants. Assuming they knew ever knew it.
The problem, IMO, is twofold. First these folks adopt a mentality of ‘protecting’ their agency. Whether from a new or competing agency with a similar mission or their budget or public/Congressional oversight.
Secondly they are supposed to be non partisan in doing their jobs, answering questions and delivering recommendations. A corollary is that they have forgotten that they don’t set policy, that’s the job of our elected officials, they make recommendations to those elected officials who then accept or refuse their recommendation in whole or in part.
A good step for the next r administration would be to remind every single Federal employee of these facts and expectations. Those who insist on going their own way can be reassigned to Ice Station Zebra in the Arctic or resign. Either is ok by me.
I think it’s a lot worse. Aside from being a class-A schmuck and pathetic opportunists, I think Fauci was a will – and paid – stooge in the Great Conspiracy.
Honestly: Tulsi Gabbard, unless I missed it.
Edit- I didn’t intend Fauci to be in that list.
While political beasts play political games, they don’t have to. They all went along because the didn’t have the courage to challenge it. Start with the “mask” science.
Ace of Spades had the BEST meme- “If you ever wondered if you would have complied in a 1939 Germany, now you know.”
We all complied to a lie.
Quote from a movie whose title I’ve long forgotten: “What do you mean, we?
The Lone Ranger and Tonto are riding across the plains when they see a group of Indians in full warpaint galloping toward them, tomahawks at the ready. The Lone Ranger digs in his heels and says to his faithful companion, “Well, Tonto old friend, looks like we are surrounded.” Tonto replies, “What do you mean ‘we,’ white man?”
i NEVER complied… i got thrown out of the VA facilities here in Lost Angels more than once, because i would not “comply”. i wore shit masks, improperly, if i wore them at all, tired, dirty and torn, because “F you: this is bullshit.”, and ONLY if i went into stores, etc, to get what i needed to keep the household running.
F them: i went out, pretty much every day, maskless, and unafraid, and no, i’m not getting their bullshit “vaccines” either.
not everyone took a knee.
I did not wear a mask in any retail or food service establishment I entered during the pandemic. I was stopped from entering only once, and returned later to that outlet and was admitted without a problem. This despite the governor’s mandate to businesses that they were to require masks on all patrons.
Fauci the fraud releasing his emails to the Washington Post/BuzzFeed IS the exit strategy.
He served his purpose, and is their goat, now: Trump ain’t president; the country was conquered, and hundreds of thousands were sacrificed on the alter of political opportunism as actual science was murdered by tech oligarchs.
Fauci the fraud was the high priest. He wrote the deathly sermon. He is evil. The infamous Dr. Mengele is a D-lister by comparison. Releasing emails? FVVK HIM. Fauci the Fraud needs to be brought to justice, then executed for crimes against humanity.
releasing his emails to the Washington Post/BuzzFeed IS the exit strategy.
This. Those two organizations are Democrat creatures through and through. If this is happening, it’s because the Democrats want it to happen.
You think this is going to change a single Democrat’s mind?
Covid is literally their religion at this point. Masks are their fucking talismans to ward off evil, and Saint Fauci is their High Priest.
Your post perfectly describes my sister in law to a T.
She’s a malignant narcissist. I never met her, but I’d be willing to bet.
Your poor sibling.
Intersting video about her (warning: that fat POS Stacey Adams will appear in a political blubber – er – blurb before the video plays)
Malignant Narcissists:
Yes, the media plans on exactly that point. They’re changing Fauci from an angel to a fallen angel because they need a scapegoat to pin this disaster on. They can’t look at the facts that Dems fought restrictions on flights from infected areas, fought mass gathering restrictions, declared that there would be no vaccine for years, and fought against every effort Trump made to stop Covid.
Fire him
Get his retirement
Go after past earnings and properties from earnings
Salt the earth he walked on
Then punish him
So, can we tear down his statues with peaceful protests?
Comrade Joe, his IC, and the CCP will make Fauci and a few unlucky Chinese research scientists the fall guys once this all plays out.
“They did this without our approval and knowledge. And hid the truth from us.” — Comrade Joe and the CCP.
Fauci will be forced to ‘retire’ at 80.
The unlucky Chinese scientists will disappear. If they haven’t already.
“Fauci will be forced to ‘retire’ at 80.”
But won’t be docked a penny of his very generous pension.
I’m excited. I just found out there are 3-D printer plans for guillotines.
You are a true humanitarian.
To anyone who’s spent more than an undergraduate’s worth of time in science the revelations about Fauci are about the least shocking thing. This is why the “religion” of science that the left adheres to is so dangerous. Science itself in its purest form of practice begs the critical thinker to question everything and test validities to either make them stronger or remove the weaknesses from the equation. This whole “Scientist X has spoken” mantra that the left likes to wield as a political club is a perversion of the true analytical, critical, scientific thinker.
It’s why the idea of “political science” or “social science” and all of the perversions they have wrought should never have been allowed to take up the term in the first place. That allowance alone is responsible for a great deal of the perversion. Democrats are closer to scientology than real science at this point. Sadly, many conservatives have not jumped in to hit them with real science and instead decried all science. It’s an extremely tragic, lost opportunity.
Eisenhower was right.
Doesn’t the law reward corruption? Don’t the taxpayers fund the research for the patents that make the corrupt Fauci types rich? His utility is now low so the deep state moves him out of power.
We taxpayers reward scum like Fauci. Thank you silent and corrupt Congress.
BTW, these emails could be a distraction so we don’t watch something else that is in motion.
Well, well, well – nice to see we “conspiracy theorists” have been vindicated regarding the human origins of “covid” and the bullshit mask fetish.
Next up: our “conspiracy theories” about the non-vaccine “vaccines”….
Not only Fauci. Not just Planned Parent/hood. Demos-cracy was aborted at the Twilight Fringe through intuitive (e.g. “cargo cult”) science, denial and stigmatization of early treatments, allegations of diversity that precluded honest brokers, and a fascist system that entangled itself in handmade tales.
I noticed the extensive redaction of some of the emails. Tucker Carlson said the reason cited for the redaction was the FOIA’s exemption for data related to an ongoing investigation, suggesting that Fauci and friends may be under investigation even now.
Oh gee whiz. The email from Andersen was from January 2020 and clearly stated that further study was required. In March, Andersen et al. found, “Our analyses clearly show that SARS-CoV-2 is not a laboratory construct or a purposefully manipulated virus.” See Andersen et al., The proximal origin of SARS-CoV-2, Nature Medicine 2020.