This professor seems to be confusing the Second Amendment with the Democrat party.
Campus Reform reports:
Emory Professor: The Second Amendment ‘was designed’ to keep ‘African Americans powerless and vulnerable’Dr. Carol Anderson, chair of Emory University’s Black Studies Department and author of such works as “White Rage”, recently published a new book where she argues that “[the Second Amendment] was designed and has consistently been constructed to keep African Americans powerless and vulnerable.”The book, “The Second: Race and Guns in a Fatally Unequal America,” was released on June 1 by Bloomsbury.In an interview with CNN on May 30, Anderson said that the 2016 shooting of Philando Castile initially inspired her to begin work on the volume.Later in that interview, Anderson attributes the lack of firearm restrictions following the 2012 Sandy Hook Elementary shooting to an “underlying fear that if there are real gun safety laws then Whites will be left defenseless against these Black people.”“Here was a Black man who was pulled over by police,” Anderson said of the shooting “who followed NRA guidelines in letting the police officer know that he had a license to carry a weapon. And that led to Philando Castile being shot dead.” Anderson went on to criticize the National Rifle Association for not issuing a sufficiently strong statement on the shooting.Anderson claims on her website that the work is neither “pro-gun” nor “anti-gun” but rather seeks to explore the “citizenship rights and human rights of African Americans.”The book description states that “the right to bear arms has been consistently used as a weapon to keep African Americans powerless” and that “measures to expand and curtail gun ownership [are] aimed disproportionately at the African American population.”