Democrats Renew Push for Justice Stephen Breyer to Retire

Demand Justice, the progressive activist group headed by former Hillary Clinton campaign aide Brian Fallon, is renewing its calls for U.S. Supreme Court Justice Stephen Breyer to retire.

They desperately want Joe Biden to be able to appoint a younger justice, presumably someone much further to the left.

Rachel Janfaza reported at CNN:

Liberal-funded ads call for Justice Stephen Breyer to retireCalls for liberal Justice Stephen Breyer to retire when the annual Supreme Court session ends in a few weeks are intensifying, following Sen. Mitch McConnell’s warning this week that he may block a Democratic Supreme Court nominee should Republicans win the Senate in the November 2022 midterm elections.A group of 18 scholars on Wednesday signed onto an ad to be published Friday in The New York Times, paid for by the liberal group Demand Justice, calling on the 82-year-old justice to announce plans to step down, giving President Joe Biden the opportunity to nominate a younger liberal justice to the Supreme Court.”It is time for Justice Stephen Breyer to announce his intent to retire from the Supreme Court. Breyer is a remarkable jurist, but with future control of a closely divided Senate uncertain, it is best for the country that President Biden have the opportunity to nominate a successor without delay,” the statement says.

The left clearly does not understand that pleas from “scholars” no longer hold the sway they once did.

Demand Justice has partnered with other progressive groups including Black Lives Matter and the Women’s March to run an ad in Politico.

Jennifer Bendery reports at the Huffpost:

13 Progressive Groups Urge Supreme Court Justice Stephen Breyer To RetireThirteen progressive groups on Wednesday will publicly call on Supreme Court Justice Stephen Breyer to step down to let President Joe Biden confirm his successor while Democrats control the Senate.“Supreme Court Justice Stephen Breyer should immediately announce his intent to retire from the bench,” reads a forthcoming ad endorsed by national advocacy organizations including Demand Justice, Women’s March, Black Lives Matter and the Sunrise Movement.“With future control of a closely divided Senate uncertain, President Biden must have the opportunity to nominate a successor without delay and fulfill his pledge to put the first Black woman on the Supreme Court,” they said. “If Breyer were replaced by an additional ultra-conservative justice, an even further-right Supreme Court would leave our democracy and the rights of marginalized communities at even greater risk.”“For the good of the country, now is the time to step aside.”

These groups are essentially telling Justice Breyer to step aside so that they can satisfy their policy goals.

With the 2022 midterms rapidly approaching, they almost seem panicked.

Hat tip to John Sexton of Hot Air.

Tags: Biden Appointments, Black Lives Matter, Democrats, Progressives, US Supreme Court, Women's March