Dartmouth College Drops Charges Against Medical Students Accused of Cheating

This is an update to a story from May. These students are really lucky.

FOX News reports:

Dartmouth drops charges against med students accused of cheating onlineDartmouth medical school dropped charges against a group of students accused of cheating on remote tests – after facing criticisms the claims were false.”I have apologized to the students for what they have been through and believe dismissal of the charges is the best path forward,” Geisel School of Medicine Dean Duane Compton said in an email on Wednesday.The charges and discipline won’t be on the students’ permanent records, he wrote.”The school is providing students with a wide variety of resources to support them and maintain their academic and professional progress … We will learn from this and do better.”New policies will be implemented at the Ivy League school to rebuild “the trust we recognize has been lost among some students during this process,” according to Compton.The Foundation for Individual Rights in Education had criticized Dartmouth’s investigation into the alleged cheating as flawed.In a statement shared with The Post on Thursday, Foundation Program Officer Alex Morey said the college needed policies to protect student rights.”Dartmouth’s fresh commitment to ‘rebuilding trust’ among the students it unfairly accused in this case should start with promising a fair process to all future students who may find themselves facing a similar misconduct allegation,” Morey said.

Tags: College Insurrection, Dartmouth, New Hampshire