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Campus Ministry Students at Northwest Nazarene U. Encouraged to Take Anti-Racism Courses

Campus Ministry Students at Northwest Nazarene U. Encouraged to Take Anti-Racism Courses

“Social Justice and the Christian Tradition”

The left knows it can’t get rid of religion, so they’re going to just take it over.

Campus Reform reports:

EXCLUSIVE: NNU Campus Ministry students encouraged to take anti-racist classes

A Christian university’s Student Government Association is recommending students take “helpful classes” related to “anti-racism.”

The Northwest Nazarene University Student Government Association sent out an email referring students to an anti-racism guide that promoted several social justice courses. This document, sent out in an October 19, 2020, email obtain by Campus Reform, was authored by SGA Campus Ministries.

This anti-racism guide contains a long list of poems, books, videos, and articles on the topic of racism. Many of these resources originate from widely-known proponents of critical race theory, such as Ibram X. Kendi and Robin Di’Angelo.

Among these resources is a list of anti-racist classes to take at NNU. The classes advertised by Student Ministries are Human Diversity, Social Justice and Modern Society, Social Justice and the Christian Tradition, Race, Class, and Gender, Introduction to Cultural Anthropology, and Issues of the Global Church.

The first class on the list, Human Diversity, is a psychology course. It is described as follows:

“This course examines the multifaceted levels of diversity in humanity and will review ways to approach diversity in a sensitive and appropriate manner. Topics to be covered include a history of human diversity, cultural diversity, age differences, gender issues, spirituality, sexuality, religious diversity, physical impairments, and how to be sensitive to issues of diversity as they pertain to working with people. Key human rights and understandings will be explored.”


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