Biden Bureau of Land Management Nominee Advocated for Population Control
“encouraged Americans to only have two children and no more”
We recently wrote that Tracy Stone-Manning, Biden’s nominee to lead the Bureau of Land Management, once worked with eco-terrorists. Now we have learned that she also advocated for population control.
Is this person really the best we can do for this position?
Houston Keene reports at FOX News:
Biden nominee called for population control to protect environment: ‘We must breed fewer consuming humans’
Tracy Stone-Manning, President Biden’s nominee to lead the Bureau of Land Management (BLM), argued in her graduate thesis that Americans need to engage in population control to protect the environment.
Stone-Manning has already come under fire in recent weeks for her connection to a tree spiking incident – an ecoterrorism tactic – in Idaho in the 1980s, where she traded her court testimony for legal immunity.
But her past links to ecoterrorists aren’t the only controversial material in her background. In her graduate thesis, a copy of which was reviewed by Fox News, Stone-Manning also urged Americans to have no more than two kids in order to protect the environment.
“The origin of our abuses is us. If there were fewer of us, we would have less impact,” states the thesis, which was first flagged by the Daily Caller on Thursday. “We must consume less, and more importantly, we must breed fewer consuming humans.”
Stone-Manning created a series of eight advertisements for her thesis that focused on the issues of overgrazing, overpopulation, a mining law from the late 1800s and the lumber industry.
One ad refers to a human child as an “environmental hazard” and encouraged Americans to only have two children and no more.
The Chinese Communist Party would undoubtedly approve.
NEW: Joe Biden's Land Management nominee, Tracy Stone-Manning, called American babies an "environmental hazard" in her 1992 grad school thesis arguing for population control.
— Andrew Kerr (@AndrewKerrNC) June 24, 2021
Even Obama’s head of the Bureau of Land Management has backed out of supporting Stone-Manning.
Samuel Chamberlain reports at the New York Post:
Former Obama official calls on Biden nominee to pull out over tree-spiking case
A former head of the Bureau of Land Management (BLM) under Barack Obama called on President Biden’s pick for the same post to withdraw her nomination Monday over her ties to a “tree-spiking” operation meant to sabotage logging efforts in the 1980s.
Robert Abbey, who headed BLM between 2009 and 2012, told E&E News that he had initially supported Tracy Stone-Manning’s nomination, but now believed that “that she should withdraw her name from further consideration for the BLM director position.”…
“As a 30-year BLM career employee, I don’t take her actions lightly, nor should anyone else,” Abbey said, according to The Hill. “If Stone-Manning participated in any aspect of planning, implementation or cover-up in the spiking of trees, then she should not be confirmed.”
Republicans should oppose her confirmation. There have got to be better candidates available.
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Somalia has a birth rate of 6 babies per woman. She sounds white supremacist to me.
It seems to me that BLM’s actions dwarf her tree spiking, I am not saying I approve of spiking. I bet his real motivation is racism.
I would presume that the Biden admin has vetted these people and know all the skeletons in her closet. No administration is so incompetent that they ignore all these things.
What that tells me is that 1) there are likely more skeletons and 2) the Biden admin thinks that they can still get her through the Senate, even if it’s 51-50.
And that says a lot about the Democrats in the Senate, doesn’t it.
I believe it illustrates how out of the mainstream the d/progressives are. The administration nominees are not the same type of folks that would have selected in prior administrations.
There were always a couple of kooks but not the majority. Certainly never in these quantities. IMO, the d/progressive have a one sip too many from their kool aid. They seem to believe that the public is buying the BS they are selling despite polls showing the opposite.
They are engaged in self destructive overreach. The electorate is going to make it’s voice heard in no uncertain terms.
Not progressives, progressive fascists is a more accurate term and has the bonus that they hate it.
I have to say I am far more concerned with her personal involvement in the practice of ‘tree spiking’ than her MA Thesis. One is intended to create injury or death while the other is simply academic drivel.
One-at-a-time injury/murder is worse than genocide?
They put 100 spikes in trees and injure or kill 100 people?
please lord don’t let her breed with Rachel levine, that would make for one confused kid and probably not the cutest one either
“Is this person really the best we can do for this position?”
What you mean, “we,” Kemosabe?
I’m pretty sure Joe didn’t ask any of us
“I’m pretty sure Joe didn’t ask any of us.”
Joe’s not firing on all thrusters. He’s past the “asking” stage.
She’ll fit right in with the Chinese Communist Party.
She’d make a great executioner.
This woman is nuts.
“She’d make a great executioner”
The only thing missing is a black hood over her face.
Danger! Danger, Will Robinson!
I dunno, if she said there will be no more children born to women on the public dole after the second one, that would be great for everybody except the two-legged baby factories. Tubal ligation nothing. Make it permanent. Take ’em out.
Anyone who has ever cared for a human infant knows that they are, indeed, environmental hazards. I once thought I had discovered the hiding place of Saddam Hussein’s weapons of mass destruction, but it was only a dad changing his kid’s diapers in the men’s room.