Angry Antifa Mob Surrounds Portland Hotel Believing Journalist Andy Ngo is Inside

This weekend, an angry Antifa mob surrounded a hotel in Portland because they thought journalist Andy Ngo was there. So they screamed and banged on the windows. Ngo is known for his reportage on the left-wing group.

The NBA team, the Denver Nuggets, was staying at the hotel at the time.

Before the mob formed at the hotel, some Antifa members chased down the man they believed was Ngo and punched him on the sidewalk.

Aaron Mesh reported at Willamette Week:

The Denver Nuggets Were in a Portland Hotel as It Was Surrounded by a Furious Crowd Seeking Andy NgoThe Denver Nuggets basketball team was staying in The Nines hotel in downtown Portland on Friday night when leftist activists surrounded the building in pursuit of a man they believed to be conservative author Andy Ngo, WW has learned.Riot police arrived at the hotel shortly before midnight on May 28 and formed a perimeter at the intersection of Southwest Morrison Street and 6th Avenue for the next 30 minutes.Sources familiar with the Nuggets’ travel arrangements say the NBA team stayed at The Nines during its two-game road trip to Portland for the playoff series with the Trail Blazers. The Nuggets arrived in Portland on May 26 and left May 29.That means the team was inside the hotel when the crowd pursued the man they believed to be Ngo to the concierge desk of the hotel, then pulled on the doors and confronted Nines staff in a chaotic scene. Protesters had previously tackled and punched the man, who fled to the hotel for safety.The man the crowd sought rode up an elevator into the hotel as people banged on the windows outside. At 11:55 pm, police secured the nearby intersection in order to make an arrest.After police left the scene at 12:30 am, they used a sound truck to broadcast a warning to the crowd: “Anyone who is not a guest of The Nines may not enter the hotel. Do not enter or damage The Nines hotel property.…Move away from The Nines hotel now.”

Here’s a short video showing some of the Antifa folks screaming like lunatics outside the hotel:

Why is this group allowed to act out in this way? They’re a menace to their community.

Will the woke NBA say anything about this?

Featured image via YouTube.

Tags: Antifa, Media, Oregon