UK Daily Mail: Study Claims Chinese Scientists Bioengineered Coronavirus

A bombshell study that is poised to be published claims to have proof that Chinese scientists bioengineered the coronavirus that caused the COVID-19 pandemic.

Furthermore, the analysis also shows that the Chinese researchers tried to reverse-engineer versions of the virus to make it look like it evolved naturally from bats.

British Professor Angus Dalgleish and Norwegian scientist Dr. Birger Sørensen wrote they’ve had primary evidence “of retro-engineering in China” since last year, but were ignored by academics and major medical journals, The Daily Mail reported Saturday, citing the soon-to-be-published study.The study concludes: “the likelihood of it being the result of natural processes is very small.” The virus is still killing 12,000 people a day around the world.Dalgleish is a London oncology professor known for breakthrough work on a vaccine for HIV. Sørensen is a virologist and chair of the pharmaceutical company Immunor, which developed a coronavirus vaccine candidate called Biovacc-19. Dalgleish also has a financial stake in that company.

The journal article is slated to be published in the next few days by Quarterly Review of Biophysics Discovery. The material was exclusively obtained by, which provided a snapshot of some of Dalgleish’s and Sørensen’s findings in its recently published review of the upcoming study.

Digging through archives of journals and databases, Dalgleish and Sørensen pieced together how Chinese scientists, some working in concert with American universities, allegedly built the tools to create the coronavirus.Much of the work was centered around controversial ‘Gain of Function’ research – temporarily outlawed in the US under the Obama administration.Gain of Function involves tweaking naturally occurring viruses to make them more infectious, so that they can replicate in human cells in a lab, allowing the virus’s potential effect on humans to be studied and better understood.Dalgleish and Sørensen claim that scientists working on Gain of Function projects took a natural coronavirus ‘backbone’ found in Chinese cave bats and spliced onto it a new ‘spike’, turning it into the deadly and highly transmissible SARS-Cov-2.One tell-tale sign of alleged manipulation the two men highlighted was a row of four amino acids they found on the SARS-Cov-2 spike.

The four-amino-acid sequence is unnatural because they are all positively charged and would not reside next to each other in a genetic sequence that arose naturally. The grouping also means that the protein sticks to human cells like a magnet.

Legal Insurrection readers may recall I cited other genetic markers, which were also hallmarks of man-made manipulation, in my review of a detailed analysis of the origins of the coronavirus by veteran science writer Nicolas Wade.

The article provides diagrams of the the coronavirus RNA-structure, with the locations of man-made linking marked. The review also includes a table that shows that after the pandemic began to rage across the globe, the Chinese scientists submitted a number of different samples to the GenBank years after they were collected, in an effort to retro-engineer the virus and “prove” its “natural origins”. The Chinese clearly worked to tie bats and pangolins to the virus.

It is also being reported that the study will also blast China, academia, and the media for their mishandling of information related to the pathogen.

Quoting the authors, Daily Mail said that the duo had “prima facie evidence of retro-engineering in China” for a year but was ignored by academics and major journals. The study also accuses Chinese labs of “deliberate destruction, concealment or contamination of data.”

Dalgleish and Sørensen paint a very damning picture. Hopefully, I will be able to review the full 22-page report, as this may be one of the most important scientific findings ever published about COVID-19.

Tags: China, Vaccines, Wuhan Coronavirus