Scientists Debunk COVID Vaccine Magnet Challenge
However, the skepticism shown to the debunking evidence demonstrates corrosion of “expert” credibility.

Late last week, I noted a video made the rounds on social media to prove the COVID vaccine was nothing more than a scheme to chip people.
As the COVID-19 vaccine rollout continues, albeit slower compared to previous weeks, and the age eligibility expands to include children 12 and older, one social media post is revisiting fears stirred early on during the pandemic.
The May 10 Instagram post from an account called Keep_Canada_Free shows a video of an unidentified masked woman demonstrating with a small silver magnet that appears to stick to one arm, where she supposedly received the Pfizer shot, but not the other, unvaccinated arm.
“You go figure it out. We’re chipped,” she tells her viewers.
The 25-second video has had over 20,000 views on Instagram and has been shared on social media platforms such as Twitter, where a resized version posted on May 8 also includes the claim the vaccine has “magnetic reactions.”
Experts and the media joined forces to debunk this theory quickly.
Edward Hutchinson, a lecturer with the Centre for Virus Research at the University of Glasgow in Scotland, told Newsweek, that, first of all, the coronavirus vaccine was not produced using materials that are particularly magnetic.
“Secondly, even if it was (and it is not) you would need to introduce a large lump of magnetic material beneath the skin to get the action through the skin that the videos claim to show—if you want to give this a go, try getting a fridge magnet to pick up anything, particularly tiny bits of metal, through the skin between your thumb and index finger,” he said.
“Thirdly, even if it was plausible (and it isn’t) why would this have any bearing on whether the vaccine is working—it doesn’t.”
Other scientists called the videos nonsense.
Céline Gounder, MD, ScM, infectious disease specialist and epidemiologist at NYU Langone Health and Bellevue Hospital and host of the EPIDEMIC podcast, pointed to the ingredient lists for the two mRNA vaccines, Pfizer-BioNTech and Moderna, and the adenovirus-based Johnson & Johnson COVID vaccine. Iron is one of the most common metals used in magnetic materials, but “you will see no mention of iron, ferrous, or ferric, which would indicate the presence of iron,” Dr. Gounder explained to POPSUGAR in an email.
Dr. Gounder continued, “That said, many multivitamins contain iron, and you don’t see people becoming magnetized or having magnets sticking to them after taking that vitamin.” Point made! Tracy, a former college professor using the TikTok account @scitimewithtracy, who has a PhD in microbiology and immunology and whom did not wish to disclose her last name, shared the same sentiments, calling it “nonsense.”
During a “debate” about the magnet challenge, I took the challenge and showed the area around my vaccine was not magnetized. Another independent fact-checker from the UK took a similar approach, showing that natural friction and sweat can allow small, metal objects to cling.
However, people did not believe me and dismissed my evidence. The mask-mandates and other pandemic policies promoted and defended by public health officials have eroded the public’s faith in “experts.”
Professor Glenn Reynolds recently reviewed how the failures of our professional class during the last five decades prove the “Suicide of Expertise.”
…{I]t also seems pretty plausible that Americans might look back on the last 50 years and say, “What have experts done for us lately?” Not only have the experts failed to deliver on the moon bases and flying cars they promised back in the day, but their track record in general is looking a lot spottier than it was in, say, 1965.
It was the experts — characterized in terms of their self-image by David Halberstam in The Best and the Brightest — who brought us the twin debacles of the Vietnam War, which we lost, and the War On Poverty, where we spent trillions and certainly didn’t win. In both cases, confident assertions by highly credentialed authorities foundered upon reality, at a dramatic cost in blood and treasure. Mostly other people’s blood and treasure.
And these are not isolated failures. The history of government nutritional advice from the 1960s to the present is an appalling one: The advice of “experts” was frequently wrong, and sometimes bought-and-paid-for by special interests, but always delivered with an air of unchallengeable certainty.
The magnet challenge indicates we can add the pandemic response to the long list of “expert” failures.

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Once again Social media has proven to be totally rubbish as a source of information.
When I looked at that picture I could not tell if it was a really ugly man or woman.
Magnet stuck to my arm at spot of J & J shot. Dont know why or how. My wife did it and that’s the only spot on my body it stuck…
No debunking “scientist” has offered an explanation – only a “nothing to see here” dismissal of the phenomenon.
Seems fishy that there is no acknowledgement the magnets are sticking.
I dont think its an implant but it is a very strange thing (and real).
Good grief. Everyone knows that chips are implanted in men during a vasectomy.
Or did the doctor say ‘clips’? I’ve been confused about that for 35 years.
if you don’t get one they do it to you on the colonoscopies, they SAY they are snipping polyps but the tool comes out smaller than when it went in….
Mr. Biden when he leaves office?
The Definition of Macho: Jogging home from your own vasectomy.
Or falling a tree and cutting it up. And then the anesthesia wears off.
These days, who needs to be “chipped”? Just track their phones.
even if it was plausible (and it isn’t) why would this have any bearing on whether the vaccine is working
See, when you do this sort of motte-and-bailey bit, it doesn’t help your case.
The issue wasn’t whether the vaccine worked, but whether it was used as an excuse to “chip” people.
Now, as to actually chipping people – not going to be very ferrous if they did that. It would be primarily silicone and other chip materials. (Hint: try picking up your computer CPU with a large magnet. No, really, go try it. I’ll wait.) The people who follow this sort of stuff are not the most discerning of individuals.
The main factors (as far as I can tell) are 1) whether hypodermic needles exist that are capable of injecting a small chip and 2) what exactly could a chip that small do? The answer to the first question is yes. The answer to the second is: so far as I know, they are useless for tracking since they cannot hold enough of a charge to power its functions nor broadcast very far. Current imbedded chips are already used in lieu of credit cards at many stores but your had has to be a few inches from the scanner to be read.
But that is not why I refuse to get this vaccine. I have figured that the risk of the vaccine to someone like me, a very healthy and fit person with no co-morbidities whose has never had a flu and is “never” sick, is higher than the risk of getting infected by covid. And the reason the FDA has never approved an RNA or DNA-based vaccine is because there is no telling what the DNA will do in the long run. The risk of altering a person’s DNA in an important way is very real.
I am not interested in being a guinea pig for an experimental vaccine that poses such potentially drastic side affects. Let the Karens lead the way. Maybe they will morph into a better, more civilized life form.
This vaccine does not alter a person’s DNA.
Completely and utterly ridiculous.
Wearing masks to combat a virus is nonsense too but look how many people fell for that one.
I’m a common sense guy not a technical guy. It seems to me that a chip small enough to fit through those teeny tiny needles would be fried by the magnetic field generated by even the smallest magnet. Without appearing to give this nonsense too much thought, second, Skin is not a really good conductor for magnets. Okay. That’s enough mental energy wasted for today.
A magnetic field pass through skin, and that allows implanted batteries to be charged.
Off top but WTH Graham, really?
The chip is so tiny it cannot be seen, or detected with an advanced electron microscope. It is undetectable by any technology we have. When implanted you suddenly develop an insatiable desire to watch old Andy Griffith shows.
This sounds like nanotechnology, which is still in its infancy.
Not if the Aliens gave us the technology.
I’m saddened that even the author chooses to use the term “debunk” so broadly and ineffectually.
The Maharishi Mashesh Yogi used to claim that he could levitate. He had plenty of witnesses who claimed to see him do it. You don’t debunk something like that just by saying “people cannot levitate.” That’s not debunking, that’s just contradicting.
To debunk the Maharishi, you must explain how he performs that trick. That’s what it takes, not just a naked assertion.
I have yet to see anybody address how people all over the country are having these magnets stick to their arms. The best I’ve seen is that one weak assertion that sometimes sweat can cause metal to stick to your arm. That doesn’t even come close to explaining why in many of his videos, the magnet sticks to the proper arm but doesn’t stick to the other.
One of my kids was able to hang a clean spoon from the tip of her nose.
that is one of my kids’ favorite activity when we have soup for dinner
Honestly , the chances are it’s some kind of trick or editting. Social media posts are totally unreliable. You’d be better of asking a kleptomaniac to look after your house whilst on holiday. Until it’s been reviewed by a reliable source Im going to be very cynical about such claims.
As James Randi used to say, scientists are very good at detecting unintentional error. They are very bad at detecting deliberate fraud.
Why do you start from the assumption that the person in the video is fundamentally honest? Surely the most reasonable explanation by far is that they’re just plain lying?
Because it isn’t a person in a video, it’s dozens of persons in dozens of videos. Am I supposed to assume they are all trolls? I’m not ready to do that, and not inclined to assume that.
The article indicated one original video? Even if there were multiple versions it still sounds very far fetched.
Maybe the article did, but a simple search will uncover many of the same. The more people who independently demonstrate this effect, the more actual hands-on investigation and explanation it deserves.
The latest (and this one borders on the ridiculous) is a guy who claims his body now triggers Bluetooth-capable devices to try to pair with him. His body purportedly gives out the device ID “AtraZeneca.” But this is eminently fakeable with a small bluetooth device in his pocket.
Lazarus Long on experts:
“Always listen to experts. They’ll tell you what can’t be done, and why. Then do it.”
“Expertise in one field does not carry over into other fields. But experts often think so. The narrower their field of expertise the more likely they are to think so.”
If you get the vax, whatever you do, don’t do the magnet test! That’s what activates the chip…
They are talking about repeated booster shots in the future, I have watched enough forensic files episodes to know that if you want to poison somebody you do it slowly over time. Are there any toxic heavy metals that are also ferrous?
And yet, thousands of idiots will still believe this crud. You could examine the area with an electron microscope, have a hundred Nobel-prizewinning scientists testify, and they’d still believe it. The rest of us normal sane humans are good at filtering out this crud, but there’s so much more crud generated in this modern information age, and each bit catches a certain number of people until it seems as if we’re the only sane ones left.
Given some of the other Covid-19 related posts here, I was afraid for a while that the article was supporting the chip theory for real. Seriously.
There’s a lot of middle ground between saying “this effect is real” and saying “this has been debunked remotely by some ‘scientist’ who viewed a video of it.”
The Bible aside, the guy who says “Unless I see the nail marks in his hands and put my finger where the nails were, and put my hand into his side, I will not believe” is the real scientist. I will accept a debunking from someone like that, not some dilettante keyboard science-commando..
Here you go.
This “man-on-the street” female reporter is ten times the “scientist” that the degreed keyboard commandos who “debunked” this effect for the MSM are.
Science is about investigation and experimentation… not appeal to authority.
A friend traveled to Cuba a decade or so ago to find the doctors there, having virtually no medicine, resort to using magnets for some therapies.
It’s a common “holistic medicine” meme. You can web search for magnetic bracelets, and pull up hundreds, all claiming therapeutic effects.