DOJ National Security Division Hires Loud Russia Hoaxer Who Defended Illegal FISA Warrants

The Department of Justice National Security Division hired Susan Hennessey. You should know her because she was one of the loudest Russian collusion hoaxers in the media during President Donald Trump’s administration.

Oh, Hennessey also defended the illegal FISA warrants so our privacy is totally in good hands. Then again, she’s a former NSA lawyer.

So what is the purpose of the National Security Division (NSD)? President George W. Bush and Congress blessed us with it in 2006 with the USA Patriot Reauthorization and Improvement Act. (Please note the sarcasm) Of course, it does not have a narrow mission:

The mission of the National Security Division is to carry out the Department’s highest priority: protect the United States from threats to our national security by pursuing justice through the law. The NSD’s organizational structure is designed to ensure greater coordination and unity of purpose between prosecutors and law enforcement agencies, on the one hand, and intelligence attorneys and the Intelligence Community, on the other, thus strengthening the effectiveness of the federal government’s national security efforts.

National security. International? Domestic? I guess anyone they deem a threat to the country. (Or to the administration’s plans to spread big government)

Hennessey also deleted a lot of her deranged TDS-filled tweets before she made her announcement. Some people screenshot the tweets and tweeted out her old blogs.

Tags: DOJ, Trump Derangement Syndrome