Brown U. Professor: Teaching Identity Politics is a ‘Criminal Abdication’ of Our Responsibilities

Every once in a while, we are reminded that not everyone in higher education agrees with the left on everything. Enter Professor Glenn Loury of Brown University.

Loury understands the true purpose of a college education.

During a recent episode of his podcast, he railed against identity politics. He was speaking with Professor John McWhorter of Columbia University.

Katie Pavlich of Townhall has details:

Ivy League Professor Slams Identity Education as Useless and ‘Criminal’Brown University Professor Glenn Loury is speaking out against identity politics education and speaking the truth about today’s academic environment.”To teach people they are this, is criminal in my opinion, okay? We are to challenge them. They come in telling me that they are this or they are genitalia. That’s how they get to me at 18-years-old. They think they are these things. They haven’t read anything. They haven’t been anywhere. They haven’t done anything. I’m a teacher. My job is not to reaffirm them and their preconceptions. It’s to challenge them to outgrow them, their preconceptions,” Loury said.”We are entrusted to shepherd young minds into their maturity and to jump on a bandwagon and to fill their heads with slogans rather than challenging them with the best that human beings of any color have thought through the ages is a criminal abdication.”

Watch the two clips below:

Watch a longer version below:

Featured image via YouTube.

Tags: Brown University, College Insurrection, Critical Race Theory, Social Justice