Study: Critical Race Theory Propaganda Causes People To Grossly Overstate Police Killings of Blacks
“Moreover, my report shows that exposing black survey respondents to a concentrated dose of critical race-inspired writing reduces their belief that they have control of their lives.”

As we all begin to absorb the full impact of the Biden administration’s anti-capitalism, anti-freedom, anti-Constitution, America Last policies, we are seeing, for only the second time in our nation’s history, an administration that openly disdains and gleefully condemns America as some kind of uniquely and irredeemably racist nation that must be destroyed in order to be rebuilt according to some regressive dystopian vision, circa the 1930’s.
To that end, today’s regressive Democrats and their media and Big Tech allies lie on a daily basis about everything even remotely pro-America, but the most onerous and intentionally divisive lies they tell are those related to race relations in the United States.
Eric Kaufmann recently published a study at the Manhattan Institute that gives lie to the regressive narrative about race in America.
My latest @ManhattanInst report: Young black men in US are far more likely to die in a car accident than to be shot by police. Yet the vast majority of liberal black or white respondents get that wrong. Why? Vivid media narratives, ideology & psychology
— Eric Kaufmann (@epkaufm) April 9, 2021
And when someone says racism in America has risen, this perception is almost entirely a figment of their imagination. In fact, racist attitudes and behaviors have been declining for decades.
Progressives are deeply invested in the critical race theory narrative that America is a racist society that seeks to victimize people of color, especially black Americans. They believe this consciousness will lead us toward racial justice. But while the concrete benefits of this radical narrative are difficult to prove, the costs — in the form of lost black lives and prosperity — are painfully measurable.
. . . . Moreover, my report shows that exposing black survey respondents to a concentrated dose of critical race-inspired writing reduces their belief that they have control of their lives. This affects their trust, health, economic achievement and other aspects of well-being.
Young black men are around 10 times more likely to die in a car accident than from a police bullet. Yet when I asked people which was the more common cause of death for young black males, 81 percent of black Biden voters in my survey, and 70 percent of whites who agreed that “white Republicans are racist” said police shootings claimed more young black men’s lives. This was the case even though people who didn’t know the right answer could have selected a “neither” option. By contrast, only 15 percent of white Trump voters believed this fallacy.
Psychologists tell us that we are often motivated by subconscious emotions, telling ourselves a story that makes sense of our feelings. We reach for vivid images that are easily recalled and reinforce our emotion-laden stories, rather than paying attention to what the data say. When it comes to racism, ideology, media exposure and peer influences skew our picture of reality.
. . . . One result of this is that the share of Americans saying race relations are good, which was stable at around 70 percent from 2002 to 2014, has plummeted to 40-50 percent since. The gap between Democrats and Republicans on how big a problem racism is, which was around 10 points between 1995 and 2014, stands at over 50 points, entirely because of the rise in the share of Democrats saying racism is a big problem.
In surveys, black people on social media report experiencing significantly more racism than those not on it. When asked whether people “acted suspicious of you” or “acted like you weren’t smart,” over 50 percent of blacks on social media said they had experienced this racism compared with barely 30 percent of those not on social media. This effect remained powerful even after controlling for age, income, ideology and education.
I would be interested in knowing how purposefully and methodically tearing down white children as “less than” helps lift up black people who have been systematically—and yes, systemically—held back for political reasons by Democrats for decades.
Demonizing an entire race because of their supposed historical transgressions (others with that same skin color committed evil acts over a century ago, so everyone with that skin color in 2021 must pay) is pure evil.
Forcing little children to ‘own’ their ‘sin’ of being born white is a special kind of evil. None of this should be “tolerated”; this is evil, unfounded discriminatory hatred, and injustice on the largest scale possible.
It must be stopped.
Where are the Republicans fighting for America, defending her founding principles that led us to (once) being the most powerful, most prosperous nation the earth has ever known? Where are those willing to put their political fortunes, their lives, their personal fortunes, and their sacred honor on the line for the future of the American experiment?
Or have we just passed that tipping point? Can America be saved from the lying race-baiters and -haters who seek only to divide, who seek to actively breed and nurture race hate and resentment for their financial and political gain?
Call me optimistic, but I think we can get out of this horrible historical moment in tact, but not until enough moral and ethical leaders shine light on and reject the damage the regressive, neo-racist Marxists are intentionally sowing across and into the fabric of America. Sadly, my hopes for that fade with each passing day of silence from the people who know better but refuse to respond properly.

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“Where are the Republicans fighting for America, defending her founding principles that led us to (once) being the most powerful, most prosperous nation the earth has ever known? Where are those willing to put their political fortunes, their lives, their personal fortunes, and their sacred honor on the line for the future of the American experiment?”
Doing that would jeopardize their chances at a cushy sinecure at a woke corporation, which is the only thing most Washington GOP lawmakers are concerned about.
Oklahoma just passed an anti-Critical Race Theory bill, so apparently they are starting to get their act together.
Being wrong about this is a feature not a bug for the respondents in the two left hand columns. They probably couldn’t care less how wrong they are about the question…the point is they have the “anti-racist mentality” that must drive all of our decisions.
Just the facts, Ma’am. Just the facts.
So hard to know the facts yet see how few others know, even though so many communicate as if they do.
No country or people ever had it as good as us, including these know it alls that are trying to throw it away.
You have to give them credit
the left has co-opted the media, almost completely
and most of the judiciary
the FBI and the CIA
and now, onto the Arm Services and the Police
they seem to have a plan of some sort
It would be interesting to see if, as the ‘being born white is a special kind of evil’ narrative leads to more Republicans concluding race relations are bad. Those poisoning the well can’t really think it’ll actually improve things surely? Or do they not care so long as they increase their power and privilege?
As Kipling stated, “The White Man’s Burden.”
What we’re experiencing now should have been predicted as it is the obvious response to the near-elimination of racism (including, arguably, the complete eradication of “institutional racism”) in America. So many Democrats and all the individual and institutional race-baiters need racism in order to stay in office, to keep the money flowing, and to maintain their power over their supporters and, to the extent possible, the nation in general. It should be no surprise that their reaction to the severe decline in real, actual racism would be the creation of a false narrative of racism as its replacement.
This makes perfect sense.
Where is that idiot – the head of the GOP – Rona Romney??
Where is that backstabber – and head of the GOP Senate minority – McConnell?
President Obama said that he sees the USA more like the 🇪🇺 Europe down the line.
This is his vision.
Welfare state, powerful central governments, regulations up the wazoo.
What People like Sanders and Obama fail to realize is that here in the 🇪🇺 EU, we are slowly sinking, and have been for decades.
We paper this over with ever higher taxes and fees, but there is no denying that we get less for our taxes, more fees every year. What used to be “included” must now be paid privately, cash.
Or you will be charged for it via taxes.
The Greens 🟩, within reach of the German chancellery 🇩🇪 , will jack up our taxes more and will raise inheritance tax even more to pay for their “NWO”.
This is social engineering on meth. And we are paying the dealer.
Europe 🇪🇺 no longer has the Armys to defend itself from Russia. Germany has effectively defunded its Army for decades.
So not only is the Obama and EU system fleecing its citizens but we are also fleecing the US tax payer. The USA is paying for Europes defense.
“The International Institute for Strategic Studies IISS has conducted an independent open-source high-level assessment of how the defence of Europe, and of European interests, would look if the United States had left NATO and did not contribute militarily.”
It’s worse. Institutionalized corruption of our federal government is COMPLETE. There isn’t an agency we trust anymore, nor an elected official – save for the likes of Ted Cruz.
History has shown societies whose governments become completely corrupted are destined for the trash heap.
Welcome to the trash heap. Our only hope is secession, and leave the trash behind.
Critical Success Theory:
The first two things to start teaching kindergarteners:
1) Don’t become involved in crime.
2) If you do become involved in crime, don’t resist arrest.
I feel this is unlearnable for many adults these days. Teach ’em while they’re young.
I agree this agenda by the SJW is changing opinions contrary to the actual facts. The stories being told and repeated on social media are hurting the country. It’s too bad.
“Forcing little children to ‘own’ their ‘sin’ of being born white is a special kind of evil. None of this should be “tolerated”; this is evil, unfounded discriminatory hatred, and injustice on the largest scale possible.”
One of the pithiest analyses I have encountered. I will be stealing it. (Though having to attribute it to “Fuzzy Slippers” may blunt its effectiveness somewhat.)
Special kind of evil people do special kind of evil things. Just look at the scummy Nancy Pelosi – to say nothing of Biden, Clinton, Gore, Schumer – etc.
Pelosi’s entire family has generational corruption, tied to 4 families that have run CA for 80+ years:
Murdering a generation by violence is one thing. Murdering a generation by mind-fu-king them is much more evil.