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Recall CA Gov. Gavin Newsom Effort Qualifies for Ballot

Recall CA Gov. Gavin Newsom Effort Qualifies for Ballot

If it works he will have more time to dine at the French Laundry.

The California Secretary of State’s office announced the effort to recall Gov. Gavin Newsom qualifies for the ballot:

This is only the second time in California history that a governor has been voted to be removed from office.

It remains unclear when the election will be held.

As of Monday, more than 1,495,709 verified voters signed the recall effort, meeting the minimum threshold to force a special recall election.

The next phase of the recall process is the 30-business day period in which voters may request county elections officials to remove their names from recall petitions. County elections officials must report any withdrawn signatures to the Secretary of State within ten business days of the end of the signature withdrawal period. The Secretary of State must then determine if the petition still has the requisite number of valid signatures to initiate a recall election.

Leslie, our wonderful California correspondent, has done an excellent job covering the recall effort. I hope she celebrates tonight while on vacation. She deserves it!

Leslies said I could quote her: “YES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!”

Newsom still does not get it.


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Subotai Bahadur | April 26, 2021 at 7:04 pm

Keep in mind that the vote counting is less than honest. Either Newsom will survive the recall or the Peoples’ Democrat Republic of Alta California Party machinery will hand-select his replacement. It would be too optimistic to think that the replacement would be an improvement for the State or for the proles within.

Subotai Bahadur

This guy is so pathetic – he had all this time to make amends, to reach out to voters. But he doubled-down on arrogance.

“Purple thumbs — they’re not just for Napa anymore!”

I honestly don’t give two shits.

Newsom was SO incompetent that he made everybody else around him look bad.

And I guarantee whoever the Democrats put to replace him is going to be worse.

the_last_l3oyscout | April 26, 2021 at 9:13 pm

“The next phase of the recall process is the 30-business day period in which voters may request county elections officials to remove their names from recall petitions. ”

I guess we know why they wanted to release the names of the signees.

we use Dominion machines here in #Failifornia, last i heard, so he’s only going down if the PTB want him out….

over/under that Bruce Jenner takes his place? this state is a bad joke, and getting worse.


Yeah with Dominion if they don’t want him gone, he won’t be

Ric Grenell, here he comes!