Pentagon Reassigns New ‘Diversity Chief’ Amid Probe

Earlier this week, I noted that the new chief of diversity and inclusion for U.S. Special Operations Command was under investigation for controversial social media posts, including one that compared former President Donald Trump to Adolf Hitler.

The in-depth social-media scouring of Richard Torres-Estrada has led the Pentagon to “circle back” on its hiring decision.

US Special Operations’ new “chief of diversity” has been reassigned just days after he was appointed, amid an investigation into social media posts in which he compared former President Donald Trump to Adolf Hitler.A Department of Defense official confirmed the reassignment of Richard Torres-Estrada to Fox News on Tuesday.Torres-Estrada’s appointment as chief of diversity and inclusion was announced just last Thursday by the US Special Operations Command.But by Monday, Pentagon press secretary John Kirby confirmed a probe into Torres-Estrada’s social-media posts, which include an image juxtaposing Trump and Hitler and an anti-police political cartoon.“Obviously, we take the need to promote diversity and inclusion seriously here in the department,” Kirby said during a Monday briefing, according to Fox News. “The secretary [of defense, Lloyd Austin] has spoken to that many times. And we certainly want that work to be transparent, to be credible, to be effective, and of course professional.”

It seems the US military will still be treated to Torres-Estrada’s tolerance and professionalism:

Special Operations Command spokesman Kenneth McGraw told CNN Torres-Estrada has been reassigned pending the results of the investigation. He did not say to what position Torres-Estrada was reassigned, but McGraw says he remains within the combatant command. Special Operations Command oversees operations for the military’s elite units, such as the Navy SEALs, Army Rangers and Delta Force….CNN made multiple attempts to contact Torres-Estrada for comment. He has not responded. Torres-Estrada’s Facebook profile, including the controversial posts, were publicly viewable until Monday evening. It was no longer publicly viewable late Monday night.

Special Operations Command issued a 20-page “Diversity and Inclusion” plan. Its opening is especially chilling:

We have forms of bias that exist in our formation, making the journey of some of our teammates and family members a painful one. Our system creates barriers to accessing a broad range of talent, skills, and perspectives which we genuinely need on our team. These long-standing issues require change in our organizational norms, attitudes, and behaviors.”

One has to wonder if any political diversity will be allowed? Additionally, this document’s bureaucratic preparers have achieved a remarkable level of vagueness on goals and objectives in this 20-page extravaganza. It reads like the first phase Critical Race Theory training:

At the time, “85 percent of special operators surveyed were opposed to letting women in their specialties,” she said.In other words, it may be hard to make changes without a timeline, or quantitative goals, the organization can hold itself to.At the time of publishing, SOCOM had not responded to a request for more information on how many women and minorities have held some its top leadership positions. It also had not responded to questions about the reasoning behind its open-ended objectives, versus setting numbers goals.

There is no way any of this ends well for the country or the men and women who have volunteered to serve this nation. Torres-Estrada’s reassignment is putting a bandage on a victim who has had an accidental amputation.

Tags: Critical Race Theory, Defense Department, Trump Derangement Syndrome