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New Study Links Blood Clots to Coronavirus Infection

New Study Links Blood Clots to Coronavirus Infection

Another study concludes brain clots ‘more likely’ with COVID-19 infection than vaccine.

Scientists have been gathering data on the effects of the Wuhan Coronavirus for over a year. One new study has been following patients post-infection and has come to a disturbing a conclusion about the development of blood clots.

The U.S. government just put a halt to the use of Johnson & Johnson’s vaccine over a one-in-a million chance of women developing blot clots after use. Now an article published in the American Society of Hematology publication Blood reports that far more COVID patients suffer from blood clots after leaving the hospital than previously realized.

“There’s anywhere from a three to fivefold risk of blood clots compared to the pre-COVID era,” says Alex Spyropoulos, the study’s senior author and a professor at the Feinstein Institutes for Medical Research, which is a part of the New York hospital system Northwell Health. “I’ve never seen this type of blood clot risk in my life.”

It was well known that hospitalized COVID patients, and especially those in intensive care, faced a high risk of clots. But Spyropoulos says “this study shows for the first time that heightened risk of blood clots persists after patients leave the hospital.”

COVID can lead to blood clots by provoking an overwhelming immune response called a cytokine storm. The cytokine storm causes inflammation and does localized damage to blood vessels and organ linings, which prompts the body’s clotting systems to kick in.

That risk appears to remain high even after someone has recovered from the most life-threatening phases of COVID. “It takes a long time for immune mechanisms to calm down,” Spyropoulos says. “The inflammatory system and the immune system and the coagulation system don’t know that the patient has left the hospital.”

The medical team followed a group of 11,000 patients post-infection.

Another study, this time looking at those who took the Moderna and Pfizer vaccines, demonstrated that the risk of developing a serious brain clot (i.e. cerebral venous sinus thrombosis, CVST) is eight to 10 times higher in people who have been infected with the coronavirus than those who get a vaccine.

The research, which involved electronic health records of 81 million people in the US, looked at the number of CVST cases seen in the two weeks following a diagnosis of coronavirus and the number of cases occurring in the two weeks after people had their first coronavirus vaccine.

It estimates that while these blood clots are uncommon after Covid – with 39 in every million people developing one within two weeks of being ill – they are much rarer still after a vaccine.

Interestingly, there had been indications in earlier studies that people with Type A blood were more susceptible to contracting the virus. Yet a recent study released that looked at U.S. patients concludes blood type is not a factor.

Researchers analyzed data on nearly 108,000 people from Utah, Idaho, and Nevada who were tested for COVID-19 and whose blood type was listed in their medical records. None of the blood types – A, B, AB or O – was linked with their risk of becoming infected, need for hospitalization or intensive care, according to a report published in JAMA Network Open.

Smaller studies from China, Italy and Spain have linked type A blood to higher COVID-19 risks and type O blood to lower risks, and a large study from Denmark tied blood type to COVID-19 severity. Studies from New York and Boston – like this new study – found no such links. Study coauthor Dr. Jeffrey Anderson of the Intermountain Healthcare Heart Institute in Salt Lake City said in a statement that the effects of blood type can vary across populations. “We looked at a lot of risk factors as to who might need to be hospitalized and who might need more advanced care, and… for our population at least, blood type is not on that list,” Anderson said.


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Bingo! Dx’ed a case of major pulmonary emboli in an otherwise healthy , young and active person with hx 0f Covid infection months ago. Presenting symptom was shortness of breath with pulse-oxy of 97 (which shows how healthy and resilient )… Big time clots in both right and left pulmonary arteries and lower lung areas. Yikes. So.. hypercoag..

    ksbsnowowl in reply to alaskabob. | April 17, 2021 at 4:05 pm

    I am a previously-healthy late-30’s man who became a COVID long hauler after contracting it from family last summer. My life is filled with resting & new doctors’ appointments. When I first got in to see a pulmonologist in December, she told me that it definitely is messing with clotting. Said she’d had to cut into a patient earlier that week (tracheotomy?) and the blood did not behave normally when it touched the surgical gauze; it came out of the body already clotty. She also said she’d had a previously-healthy 30-year old COVID patient that stroked out & died; his brain was FULL of clots.

    My oxygen saturation is now low (~92%), I have tachycardia (get to see a cardiologist at the end of the month), and could barely chase my toddler around for 5 minutes without being wiped out for the day. I got the first round Pfizer vaccine 2 weeks ago, and it has helped a lot. I’m now functioning at ~20%, instead of 2%, like I have been the last half year. But I still have a long journey ahead of me.

      jlronning in reply to ksbsnowowl. | April 17, 2021 at 9:29 pm

      Doctors who prescribe Ivermectin say it works for prevention, cure at all stages of the disease, including long haul.

      jlronning in reply to ksbsnowowl. | April 17, 2021 at 10:19 pm

      Long-hauler who took Ivermectin:

      alohahola in reply to ksbsnowowl. | April 17, 2021 at 11:50 pm

      “I got the first round Pfizer vaccine 2 weeks ago, and it has helped a lot. I’m now functioning at ~20%, instead of 2%, like I have been the last half year.”

      The vaccine is a treatment???

      That doesn’t make sense.

        ksbsnowowl in reply to alohahola. | April 18, 2021 at 12:18 am

        It makes perfect sense. My body was unable to figure out how to attack the virus (my wife’s lab got the reagents to run the antibody test a couple months after we’d had COVID. She registered the highest AB result among those in the lab; I registered the lowest, below the baseline, i.e. – a negative result). The mRNA vaccine taught my cells to make the antibodies that will actually kill the virus, rather than whatever largely ineffectual thing they were doing for months (probably making an antibody that was inhibiting the virus in some way, but not killing it outright).

The timing of this announcement activates my BS meter. The clot problem was front and center obvious for the J&J vaccine in what, one month, two months? And yet after nearly a year and a half experience with Covid, we’re just now hearing that this has “always” been a problem?

This sure sounds to me like a lot of spurious certainty coming from a bunch of people who still haven’t figured out whether blood type A is or isn’t significant. It amazes me how much basic stuff they still don’t know about this infection, but suddenly they’re sure about this blood clot thing? My shiny metal butt.

    ksbsnowowl in reply to henrybowman. | April 17, 2021 at 4:12 pm

    See my reply to alaskabob. The COVID clotting issues have been know for a while. My pulmonologist mentioned it to me in December.

    Notice all the J&J clotting cases have been in women under the age of 50? I’d almost guarantee every single one of the women experiencing those vaccine reactions were on hormonal birth control, which itself causes an increased risk of blood clots.

      LibraryGryffon in reply to ksbsnowowl. | April 17, 2021 at 4:29 pm

      They might also have had the Factor V Leiden mutation. If you have that and are on BCPs or are pregnant clots happen.

        ksbsnowowl in reply to LibraryGryffon. | April 17, 2021 at 5:07 pm

        Admittedly, the incidence sample size is too small to draw any definitive conclusions (6 confirmed cases, all women), but the fact that all the cases are women, despite Caucasian men having a higher rate of having the FVL mutation (5.53% vs 4.85% for Caucasian women), seems to indicate the FVL mutation is not the culprit. It certainly may play a factor (maybe all 6 are women with the mutation, on BC, and got the J&J vaccine), but given the gender split on this, it’s worth looking at clotting risks that men don’t have, but women potentially do.

          Toad-O in reply to ksbsnowowl. | April 17, 2021 at 5:45 pm

          Is there nothing this virus can’t do? It’s like the Swiss Army Knife of viruses.

          Or maybe they are just trying to see how many pumpkins they can hang on a morning glory vine?

        ksbsnowowl in reply to LibraryGryffon. | April 18, 2021 at 1:50 am

        It appears you were on the right track. It’s not the FVL mutation, but an immune response that attacks Platelet Factor 4. Five of the six women who got clots from the J&J vaccine are now confirmed to have had this reaction. Doctors can apparently test for this reaction; I suspect they will start doing so prior to administering the J&J vaccine going foreword.

          ksbsnowowl in reply to ksbsnowowl. | April 18, 2021 at 2:08 am

          Correction to the above, it seems this isn’t something that can be pre-screened for just before the injection. The clots form 6-14 days after the injection. The problem is that the same immune response attacking PF4 happens when such patients are treated with the common clot-busting drug heparin.

          So these patients form clots from the vaccine, then are given heparin to break up the clots, which just makes their rare clotting reaction worse. But, now doctors know to check for this immune reaction before administering heparin, and instead administer alternate clot-busting medicines.

          Twenty-two of the 23 clotting cases with the Astra Zeneca vaccine (which triggers the same rare immune response targeting PF4) were subsequently treated with heparin, making the cases worse.

      If not mistaken, there were reports last year that some people experienced blood clotting. Very good to see the vaccines reduce the risks.

      If it’s found that this and other virus related things are due to “gain of function,” then what is to be done? Too many people are not interested to know, like with the election.

Dantzig93101 | April 17, 2021 at 4:13 pm

One method of psychological warfare (to which we’ve been subjected at insane levels for the last year) is to flood the environment with lies so that no one knows what to believe.

The study might be legitimate (even though a single study is not proof) or it might be like the faked HCQ studies that were described in The Lancet. We have no way of knowing. I agree with Henry Bowman that the timing is very convenient for those trying to sustain the Covid terror.

    I bet that the risk of dying from many causes is far higher from Covid than from the vaccine. Unfortunately, the American public is so poorly educated that it thinks that a one in a million risk is a lot. If that were the standard you would never leave your house.- and never take any medicine in your house. It looks like a very poor handling of this J&J situation has put an indelible skull and crossbones on that vaccine.

      henrybowman in reply to jb4. | April 18, 2021 at 4:51 pm

      “the American public is so poorly educated that it thinks that a one in a million risk is a lot. If that were the standard you would never leave your house”

      Compare and contrast with exactly what the government forced on us between April and November of last year.

      “The American public” isn’t the problem and never has been.

This type of research is very important. Many people do not realize how much we still must learn about COVID and its long term effects. The government also owes the public a duty to monitor carefully the side effects of the vaccines. All we can do is to maximize our daily lives while minimizing the risk of infection.

If only academic research resources could be redirected from the suddenly fashionable “anti-racism” topic toward public health resilience in the post-COVID world.

    Absolutely. But no matter the science, it will end up being “the science.” When isn’t it? Sad state of affairs.

    Redfield said: “I do not believe this somehow came from a bat to a human. And at that moment in time, the virus came to the human, became one of the most infectious viruses that we know in humanity for human to human transmission. Normally, when a pathogen goes from a zoonotic to human, it takes a while for it to figure out how to become more and more efficient.”

    Why does that make so much sense. Perhaps the research has already been done in some part at the Wuhan lab. Sure would be nice to know.

The timing is interesting. One of the historical problems with mRNA vaccines, and why the FDA never approved one, is inducement of cytokine storms. Now we are seeing a storm (so to speak) of articles saying that covid itself, not the vaccine, causes cytokine storms.

    Dathurtz in reply to randian. | April 17, 2021 at 5:24 pm

    Pretty much every single thing related to this covid makes my BS detector go off. Never forget the hype started with “dead” people in the streets. The U.K.was going to have 2 million deaths. All kinds of insanity was spit out like gospel and people are still just lapping i up.

      mark311 in reply to Dathurtz. | April 19, 2021 at 8:26 am

      That model was in relation to the US not the UK, additionally it modelled a number if scenarios that 2million figure was the explicit ‘if you do literally nothing’ scenario based on the best available evidence of how severe the virus was at the time.

    ksbsnowowl in reply to randian. | April 17, 2021 at 5:25 pm

    But there were articles stating COVID caused cytokine storms last spring/summer. So the stance that COVID causes cytokine storms isn’t new just because there are now vaccines.

      Toad-O in reply to ksbsnowowl. | April 17, 2021 at 5:49 pm

      It’s a dessert topping! It’s a floor wax! It’s the all-purpose wonder virus, everything you could ask for all rolled into one!

      henrybowman in reply to ksbsnowowl. | April 18, 2021 at 4:55 pm

      No, I have to agree with ksbsnowowl. I distinctly remember (in fact, I have saved messages from an MIT mailing list posted by line medical professionals) that some of the earliest cases (like March) were killed almost solely by the cytokene storms complicating what looked to be an otherwise relatively uneventful variety of flu.

    DaveGinOly in reply to randian. | April 18, 2021 at 12:17 am

    Cytokine storms should occur more often in young adults. It was the main cause of death during the Spanish Flu, which killed young people because of their more robust immune reaction to infection. Yet COVID was notable for leaving young people largely unscathed. One would think that COVID Infection of young people would have produced noticeably large numbers of blood clot victims among young people if cytokine storm is a factor in the clotting.

If I went back I could find comments from a year ago that the dreaded covid seems to be a circulatory/blood disease masquerading as a respiratory infection. All the more reason to consider is is a manufactured virus and not natural in origin. Naturally occurring viruses don’t seem to have so many diverse symptoms.

And there are many treatment options that are most effective when used early- as when the virus is even suspected. Standard USA treatment, everywhere- 1. Go home 2. Isolate. 3. Go to the ER if it gets worse. 4. Where we’re not going to do anything anyway until we need to send you to the ICU. When it’s too late anyway for effective treatment.

    gospace in reply to gospace. | April 17, 2021 at 5:58 pm

    One other thing- IMHO, the mRNA vaccine is going to prove to be a long term deadly expensive mistake. Based on similar vaccine attempts in animals.

JusticeDelivered | April 17, 2021 at 6:53 pm

I am wondering if J&J is note woke enough?

The hypochondriacs have been having a field day with this virus. So much fear porn, so often.

These studies keep trying to focus on one item at a time, but there is no silver bullet medicine, and no single set of vulnerabilities. I wonder if the Utah population, for example, is relatively well-supplied with Vitamin D, because they have a very outdoorsy lifestyle. Maybe blood type matters when D is low.

Seemingly, the cure is worse than the disease. It is a coronavirus…..the common cold is a coronavirus. When have we ever had a “vaccine” for the common cold? When have we ever had survival rates given for a coronavirus?
These are shots, not approved vaccines. To be considered for APPROVAL, there must be a minimum of three years of testing for a vaccine, as per the FDA.