Bernie Sanders Introduces Bill to Make Wall Street Pay for ‘Free’ College
“In the wealthiest country in the history of the world, a higher education should be a right for all, not a privilege for the few”

Bernie Sanders thinks Wall Street is his personal ATM machine. He is like a broken record.
CNBC reports:
Sen. Bernie Sanders introduces bill to make college free and have Wall Street pay for it
Free college could soon be a reality for many Americans.
Sen. Bernie Sanders, I-Vt., and Rep. Pramila Jayapal, D-Wash., on Wednesday introduced the College for All Plan, legislation that would make a college education free for millions and lend extra support to those from working-class families attending minority institutions.
“In the wealthiest country in the history of the world, a higher education should be a right for all, not a privilege for the few,” Sanders said in a statement. “If we are going to have the kind of standard of living that the American people deserve, we need to have the best educated workforce in the world.”
The proposal comes amid a continuing debate over canceling student loan debt.
President Joe Biden said during his presidential campaign that he would support eliminating $10,000 in federal debt per borrower, and now he’s tasked his secretary of Education with preparing a report on his legal authority to forgive up to $50,000.
“While President Biden can and should immediately cancel student debt for millions of borrowers, Congress must ensure that working families never have to take out these crushing loans to receive a higher education in the first place,” Jayapal said.

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We will have the most cedentialed, most bankrupt nation in the history of the planet. It’s like a cult, but they want us to be the ones to pay for the indoctrination of their members. Too many younguns slipping through the cracks and going to trade school instead of being brainwashed at State U, I guess. Well, Wall St. paid for this administration, and I hope they get it – good and hard.
“Wall Street pays” means we all pay, because the major players on “Wall Street” aren’t evil robber-baron billionaires but rather our pension funds and 401k’s and all of that. Corporations never pay taxes — they just collect them on behalf of the government from their customers.
So Comrades Sanders and Jayapal believe that higher education is a “right,” correct?
The Left has been pretty good at conflating a “right” to something to equal an obligation for someone else to pay for it. The First Amendment does not obligate the government or anyone else to provide me a place from which to speak or a place to worship as I see fit. My right to keep and bear arms does not place an obligation on the government or any one else to pay for my guns and ammo.
Contrary to what the Left wants you to believe, just because something is a “right” doesn’t mean you get to make someone else pay for it.
Wonder who holds the paper on Bernie’s mansions? Republicans may not have the balls to fight back, but the banker’s smile has shark teeth behind it.
The trend in public higher education has been to cut back on state appropriations. It used to be that a majority of the cost of state schools was picked up by the taxpayers. Now it can be below 30% of the budget.
If any form of this law passes, the state legislatures will respond by eliminating the state funds except where required to match federal funds. (For example, land grant schools get dollar for dollar matching of federal dollars for certain agricultural research and cooperative extension.) So, this is really federalizing the funding of state schools. We have very few federally-chartered public colleges, most notably Howard University, Gallaudet University., the Uniform Services University of the Health Sciences and the military academies. Congress has done a poor job of “supervising” these institutions.