University of Oxford Considers Dropping Sheet Music for Being ‘Too Colonial’
“white European music from the slave period”

Did you think the woke mob would not eventually come for Beethoven and Mozart?
The Daily Mail reports:
University of Oxford considers scrapping sheet music for being ‘too colonial’ after staff raise concerns about music curriculums’ ‘complicity in white supremacy’ after Black Lives Matter movement
The University of Oxford is considering scrapping sheet music for being ‘too colonial’ after staff raised concerns about the ‘complicity in white supremacy’ in music curriculums.
Professors are set to reform their music courses to move away from the classic repertoire, which includes the likes of Beethoven and Mozart, in the wake of the Black Lives Matter movement.
University staff have argued that the current curriculum focuses on ‘white European music from the slave period’, according to The Telegraph.
Documents seen by the publication indicate proposed reforms to target undergraduate courses.
It claimed that teaching musical notation had ‘not shaken off its connection to its colonial past’ and would be ‘a slap in the face’ to some students.
And it added that musical skills should no longer be compulsory because the current repertoire’s focus on ‘white European music’ causes ‘students of colour great distress’.
It is thought that music writing will also be reformed to be more inclusive.
But the proposals caused upset among some faculty members who argued that it was unfair to accuse those teaching music from before 1900 of being concerned with just ‘white’.

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Rap is a slap in the face to all who hear it.
They should stop calling them universities. It’s an insult to higher education.
I find ignorant. hyper-sensitive people highly offensive. To whom should I lodge my complaint?
I consider rap to be an assault on my ears–where does my complaint go?
Anything that whites do better than blacks will henceforth not be allowed in their system. We must withdraw resources from that system.
That Mozart stuff pales next to classics like “Fu* The Po-Leece.”
My grandkid is going to trade school.
In Poland.
If you can’t read sheet music, why are you worried about others who can? Unless, of course, you’re jealous, and jealousy is for losers.
This sounds a little like the racist, white privileged math that requires that minorities get the correct answer to their algebra … correct that, arithmetic problems.