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U. Minnesota Chooses Planned Parenthood Board Member to Lead ‘Health Equity’ Research Center

U. Minnesota Chooses Planned Parenthood Board Member to Lead ‘Health Equity’ Research Center

“Antiracist research is a revolutionary way of doing research grounded in the understanding that racism is a fundamental cause of health inequities”

The new research center has an ‘anti-racist’ aspect to it, which is fascinating considering the role Planned Parenthood plays in Americas’s inner cities.

The College Fix reports:

Planned Parenthood board member to lead university’s new ‘health equity’ research center

The University of Minnesota has selected a professor and board member of Planned Parenthood, the nation’s largest abortion vendor, to lead its new “Center for Antiracism Research for Health Equity.”

The center is funded at least partially with a $5 million grant from Blue Cross Blue Shield of Minnesota.

The center will be led by Rachel Hardeman, a public health professor at the university. Hardeman “created the vision for the center,” university officials said in a news release.

Hardeman also is “on the Board of Directors for Planned Parenthood of the North Central States,” according to her university bio. She is a “reproductive health equity researcher.”

She is not a medical doctor, but has a graduate degree in public health and a doctorate with a concentration in “Sociology of Health and Illness” according to her curriculum vitae.

The public health professor “leverage[s] the frameworks of critical race theory and reproductive justice” in order “to inform her equity-centered work which aims to build the empirical evidence of racism’s impact on health particularly for Black birthing people and their babies.”

“Antiracist research is a revolutionary way of doing research grounded in the understanding that racism is a fundamental cause of health inequities,” Hardeman said in the university’s news release.

She said:

Among other things, antiracist research requires that we lift up the voices of those closest to the pain and it reframes research questions that often begin with the premise that there is something wrong with Black and brown people that makes them sick.


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Birthing People? They genuinely used the term birthing people?

Sorry, had to rant incoherently for a few minutes in order to vent enough to complete my thoughts…coherently.

So..since using gendered terms is apparently racist and white supremist…we are now to be referred to as our reproductive functions? If women are birthing people then men are…..I dunno, fertilizing people or impregnation people?

See if I could edit there wouldn’t a chain of comments here. 🙂 This is why they went after comics early. Sam Kinison would be having a field day with “birthing people” as a term. Mind you he’s dead, but surely there is a comic alive who could have a field day with the term, if they were not terrified of cancel culture.

“racism is a fundamental cause of health inequities”

I thought it was booze, smokes, sugar, and wheat.

The Friendly Grizzly | March 31, 2021 at 9:06 pm

Equity. That is now added to my list of words that annoy me. Racist, racism, cis-anything, heteronormative, equity….

Ooh, “black birthing people”. Is there perhaps a shorter term we could use?

Progressives continue to deny the reality of genetics. If there is a negative outcome for non-white people, it must be due to racism.