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Law School Dean Cancels Herself Over ‘Slaveholder’ Comment

Law School Dean Cancels Herself Over ‘Slaveholder’ Comment

“said her retirement stemmed from a cringe-worthy remark she made at a personnel committee meeting in November”

This is like a moral panic, or a form of public hysteria. The hypersensitivity is out of control.

The New York Post reports:

CUNY law school dean cancels herself after ‘slaveholder’ comment

The dean of the CUNY School of Law has decided to cancel herself — saying she is retiring in atonement for referring to herself as a “slaveholder” during a faculty meeting.

Mary Lu Bilek, 65, had announced at the beginning of the year that she would step down in June, but only now has she detailed the reason behind her departure.

In an email sent Saturday to the college community, Bilek said her retirement stemmed from a cringe-worthy remark she made at a personnel committee meeting in November.

The group was discussing an open position for associate dean at the time.

Bilek said that when she dropped the “slaveholder” reference, she was taking the blame for a hiring proposal some colleagues thought would have a “disparate racial impact.”

“In a misguided effort to draw an analogy to a model of reparations in order to place blame on myself, as Dean, for racial inequities at our school, I thoughtlessly referred to myself as the ‘slaveholder’ who should be held responsible,” Bilek wrote.

“I realized it was wrong the minute I heard myself say it and couldn’t believe the word had come out of my mouth.”


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The more of these self-flagellation/cancellation incidents we see the better. People like this cannot process in a logical fashion. It will be interesting to see how many self-immolations occur over the next few months.

Bet you a beer, though, that there will be no such incidents within the ranks of “journalists”.

This is like a moral panic, or a form of public hysteria.

Now if we can only get them to cancel themselves because they are white, we’ll make some progress.

Indeed these “conversations about race” are minefields. Best avoided.