House Democrats Inch Closer to Overturning Iowa House Race and Unseating Republican Who Won

A handful of votes decided the race for Iowa’s second district, and Republican Mariannette Miller-Meeks won. Her Democrat opponent Rita Hart appealed directly to the Democrat-controlled House to ignore the results.

Pelosi seated Miller-Meeks provisionally, and Democrats are now actually considering unseating her.

Guy Benson writes at Townhall:

When Pelosi seated Miller-Meeks, and the new Congresswoman was sworn in, it seemed like the misadventure might finally be over. Not so. A Democrat-controlled House committee recently took an affirmative step in the direction of overturning the result in a partisan power grab, and Republicans are now on high alert. They’ve launched a petition at, and major players within the party are sounding the alarm.If Democrats are going to try to rob the GOP of a legitimately-won election in order to pad their razor-thin majority, they cannot go through the process without intense, painful scrutiny.

Benson interviewed Miller-Meeks, and she commented:

“I was ahead on election night. I was ahead at the official county canvass of all 24 counties. All of these ballots were examined. And then in the recount, [there] is a three person bipartisan board, eyeballs on these ballots that were considered illegitimate under Iowa law — and she could have appealed to the Iowa courts, but did not, because under Iowa law, these ballots would have been tossed out. She knew that she would lose. So, yes, strategically, they felt better to appeal to the House Committee on Administration and Congress, which is a majority of Democrats. So it changes it from an election process.”

She also recently appeared on FOX News and offered this response:

Iowa GOP rep blasts Democrat’s election challenge: ‘They want to go against the laws of our state’MILLER-MEEKS: There is no doubt in my mind, and there is no doubt in the bipartisan executive council who certified me the winner. It was not only the secretary of state, it was the bipartisan executive council.Let me elucidate the facts. I won by a very large margin on election night. Then per Iowa law, all the counties in the 2nd Congressional District have their official county canvas. After that country canvas, I was still ahead in votes. Then my opponent requested a recount. Throughout the recount process, which is a bipartisan recount board of three members of each county having to recount, I was still ahead through all of that process. I was then sworn in on January 3rd. Interestingly enough, during the swearing-in ceremony, there was a vote taken [on whether] all of the members from every state should be seated. Every Democrat voted that every member should be seated, and no one contested, no one stood up on the House floor and contested my being sworn in as the congresswoman from the 2nd Congressional District.

Republicans are fighting for Miller-Meeks. Even Mitch McConnell addressed the situation from the Senate floor:

House Republicans are speaking up too:

This entire exercise is an outrage.

Democrats must not be allowed to get away with it.

Tags: 2020 Election, Democrats, House of Representatives, Iowa, Republicans