Helen’s Page: A Happy Place for Liberty-Minded People to Meet

Many of us were delighted with the news that former President Donald Trump was preparing to launch a social media platform that will allow free discussions of issues and topics of, by, and for independent conservatives.

But Trump is not the only social media innovator. Instapundit’s savvy and multi-talented wife, Dr. Helen Smith, has led the development of a “safe space” for those of us struggling in the current political environment: Welcome to Helen’s Page!

A lot of people after the election are feeling more isolated than ever. So I made a place for them to meet each other. Helen’s Page is a place where people can come to find and help other liberty-minded people across the country—from selling your undiscovered screenplay or advertising your local bakery right down to finding an accountant, electrician, or other professional who shares your love of liberty.I believe it is imperative that the 74 million + of us who believe in equal opportunity and individual success help each other. Find products and services from people who see the world the way you do. Stop spending your money and time with businesses and people who believe in the cancel culture whenever your politics come into question.Here’s an example of how it works. You are a libertarian/conservative with a book to sell. Come over and tell readers about it on Helen’s Page in the “Book” section. The more of us who sign up, the more exposure that book will have. Publishers of libertarian or conservative books are also welcome to post. Or maybe you just want a liberty-minded friend to have coffee with or just chat with virtually, come on Helen’s Page in the “Coffee Meetup” section and ask others who are interested to message you.

If you want to buy American, read American, and support fellow Americans, Helen’s Page must be bookmarked.

You can find essentials necessary for independent conservative success:

[Note: King Harv above is a friend of Legal Insurrection]

You are able to select books to promote or review that will not smother you in progressive piffle.

Or, if you are a Blue State refugee, you might be able to locate your Red State dream home.

(Alabama sure looks good).

Smith hosts a regular program on PJ Media, where she discusses social issues and psychology, with a particular emphasis on the problems and experiences of men. In 2014, Smith wrote Men on Strike: Why Men Are Boycotting Marriage, Fatherhood, and the American Dream – and Why It Matters, which is featured on her page and discussed in this video:

Tags: Blogging