DOD Attacks Tucker Carlson for Criticizing Biden’s Woke Military Changes

On Monday, President Biden announced the nominations of Air Force Gen. Jacqueline Van Ovost and Army Lt. Gen. Laura Richardson to, respectively, lead the U.S. Transportation Command and the U.S. Southern Command.

Monday also happened to be “International Women’s Day.” Biden designed his speech to showcase the administration’s and the U.S. military’s supposed commitment to diversity, women’s rights, etc. You’ll notice it when you read how the Dept. of Defense framed the event on their website:

Diversity was on display at the White House today as President Joe Biden introduced Air Force Gen. Jacqueline Van Ovost as his choice to command U.S. Transportation Command and Army Lt. Gen. Laura Richardson for promotion to general and commander of U.S. Southern Command.Furthering these examples of diversity, the president was introduced by Vice President Kamala Harris, first African American, first South Asian and first woman elected to a national office. And she was introduced by Secretary of Defense Lloyd J. Austin III, the first African American to serve in that capacity.

During the speech, Biden also emphasized other changes that happening in the military to accommodate women, including the creation of maternity flight suits:

You know, some of — some of it is relatively straightforward work where we’re making good progress designing body armor that fits women properly; tailoring combat uniforms for women; creating maternity flight suits; updating — updating requirements for their hairstyles.And some of it is going to take — and — you know, an intensity of purpose and mission to really change the culture and habits that cause women to leave the military.


Fox News host Tucker Carlson responded to Biden’s comments during his show Tuesday night. He noted that the administration has politicized and feminized our military as China makes its military bigger, stronger, and more masculine:

“So we’ve got new hairstyles and new maternity flight suits, pregnant women are going to fight our wars,” Carlson continued. “It’s a mockery of the U.S. military. While China’s military becomes more masculine as it assembles the world’s largest Navy, our military needs to become more feminine, whatever feminine means anymore because men and women no longer exist. The bottom line is it’s out of control. And the Pentagon’s going along with this. This is a mockery of the U.S. Military and its core mission which is winning wars.”


He pointed out the United States military has spent too much time focusing on trying to appear “woke” while China’s military was getting larger, stronger, and more dangerous.

Serious-minded people got the point and responded accordingly:

Though we live in serious times, we are also dealing with some dangerously unserious-minded people in the mainstream media, in Congress, and in leadership positions both in the military and the federal government. Here’s how supposed objective reporters and Democrats alike (can you tell the difference between them below? I can’t) framed Carlson’s comments:

Next to the “racism” card, the “sexism” card is a favorite for the left to play.

In the mad dash to prove to women how they need defending from scary cable news talk show hosts, the Pentagon spokesman provided a verbal response to Carlson’s comments. But also check out the press release the Pentagon crafted to respond to what Carlson said:

Gotta love the priorities here, right? I mean the Pentagon basically proved Tucker Carlson’s point:

Last night, Carlson responded to the outcry. He stressed that we all had the right to raise questions when it’s become obvious that the administration is using our military for social experiments, especially at a time when other countries are doing the exact opposite by beefing up their might:

Thursday, the Department of Defense launched a large and coordinated public relations offensive against this show. Pentagon brass issued hostile statements. People in uniform sent out videos on social media. The DOD even issued a news release attacking us: “Press Secretary Smites Fox Host”. (Smites! Like we’re a hostile foreign power.) We suspect this is one war they might actually win. They’ve got a manpower advantage.We could play you a lot of the tape from this today — it took up most of their day — and we could marvel over it. Since when does the Pentagon declare war on a domestic news operation? We can’t remember that ever happening. But we’re going to pass on that, because this is bigger than a feud with some flack at the Pentagon. This is genuinely worrisome.The Department of Defense has never been more aggressively or openly political. There are, at present, 2,500 American troops stationed in Afghanistan. They remain there to prevent the fall of Kabul to extremists. Simultaneously, there are 5,000 troops in our own Capitol, also as protection against “extremists,” meaning people who voted for the losing candidate in the last election. Judging by those numbers, the Pentagon is twice as focused on controlling our own citizens as it is on controlling the Taliban.

Instead of backing down in response to the backlash, Carlson spent a full 10 minutes expanding on the points he made Tuesday. Watch the full segment below:

— Stacey Matthews has also written under the pseudonym “Sister Toldjah” and can be reached via Twitter. —

Tags: Defense Department, Democrats, Joe Biden, Media, Military, Taliban, Tucker Carlson