College President Blames ‘Normalization of White Supremacy’ for Atlanta Shootings

The mad dash to politicize this crime before all the facts are even known is something to behold.

The College Fix reports:

College president declares Atlanta shootings result of ‘normalization of white supremacy’The interim president of Eastern Washington University recently declared that the recent killings of several Asian women in the Atlanta area were definitely hate crimes — despite law enforcement still gathering all the facts.David May said so in a self-described tearful statement regarding racist graffiti which recently targeted a black EWU football player. News reports make no mention of what the graffiti actually said.“These acts of violence against our students bring tears to my eyes for the damage they do to the victims, their families, and friends,” May wrote. “I cannot fully understand the emotional, mental, and spiritual toll that these events must take. To try to imagine it hurts my soul.“I am so tired of writing that hate has no place on our campus or in our community – only to have that message challenged by disgusting actions like this. Sadly, hate does have some toehold on our campus and in our community.”Although law enforcement is still trying to pin down the Atlanta shooter’s motive — early reports (see below) note the suspect told police he did not choose his targets for their ethnicity but because suffers from sex addiction and had “reached the end of his rope” — May simply declared this to be irrelevant: “Six women were not killed yesterday because someone was having a bad day or because he was a self-declared sex addict. They were killed because of who they are, Asian-Americans.”The EWU president went on blame the “growing normalization of white supremacy and white nationalism” for both crimes.

Tags: College Insurrection, Crime