CA Gov. Newsom Blames Upcoming Recall Vote on ‘Anti-Mask and Anti-Vax Extremists’

Legal Insurrection readers who have been following the political drama is playing out in California remember the drive to recall Gov. Gavin Newsom accelerated tremendously in the wake of the French Laundry controversy.

Additionally, the continued pandemic restrictions paired with the fact the teachers’ unions are delaying in-person schooling in the state, despite enjoying priority vaccination status. Many Californians are angry at the $2 billion “incentive” given to those same unions to return to in-person schedules, while they have only the $1400 Biden “crumbs” to aid them.

Additionally, the state’s citizens are also angry about the enormous fraud in the California Employment Development Department’s pandemic relief system. Death row inmates got $400,000, and over $140 million went out to over 35 prisons.

So it comes as no surprise that the signature goal has been achieved, and now Newsom must switch gears to defending his office. He has opened a political action committee and smearing supporters as ‘anti-mask and anti-vax extremists.’

California Gov. Gavin Newsom is blaming “anti-mask and anti-vax extremists” for the growing recall effort he is facing in the Golden State.On Monday, Newsom’s campaign sent an email out to supporters saying he would not take the recall effort against him “lying down” and urged recipients to sign onto a petition opposing the “far-right Republican recall effort” in his state.Newsom went on to claim that the effort to remove him from the governor’s mansion is a “partisan, Republican recall” that was backed by “anti-mask and anti-vax extremists” as well as “pro-Trump forces” trying to overturn the 2020 presidential election.”And let’s just call it what it is: it’s a partisan, Republican recall — backed by the RNC, anti-mask and anti-vax extremists, and pro-Trump forces that want to overturn the last election and have opposed much of what we have done to fight the pandemic,” wrote the governor.

As a reminder, it was precisely this smearing that inspired me to sign the petition to recall Newsom in the first place. And declaring that the recall effort is a Republican operation is ludicrous. In a recent poll, only 41% of voters think Newsom should stay, so clearly, many Democrats and independents no longer want Newsom as governor.

38% of those polled by Emerson College and Nextar Broadcasting say they are in favor of a recall. 42% say they would keep Newsom in office. When asked if they would support Newsom in a re-election campaign, 58% of respondents said they would support a new candidate, while 41% said they would re-elect Newsom.

However, he persisted.

Many Californians are less than impressed with Newsom’s take on the reasons for his impending recall.

Republicans make up only 24% of California’s current electorate. So, the counter-recall campaign is another example of grandiose delusions that have been the hallmark of Newsom’s governing style.

Tags: California, Gavin Newsom