AOC, Democratic Lawmakers to Cuomo: Resign Now
The number continues to grow after a sixth woman accused Cuomo of sexual harassment.

Over 121 members of New York’s legislature, Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, Rep. Jamaal Bowman, and others called on Gov. Andrew Cuomo to resign.
Six women accused Cuomo of sexual harassment. Don’t forget that a report discovered his nursing home policy during COVID probably led to the deaths of 15,000 elderly people.
After two accounts of sexual assault, four accounts of harassment, the Attorney General’s investigation finding the Governor’s admin hid nursing home data from the legislature & public, we agree with the 55+ members of the New York State legislature that the Governor must resign.
— Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (@AOC) March 12, 2021
This morning, @AOC and I called for Governor Andrew Cuomo’s resignation. You can read our full statement below:
— Jamaal Bowman (@JamaalBowmanNY) March 12, 2021
It’s now at 11:
New York Democrats calling for New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo to resign:
Alexandria Ocasio Cortez
Jamaal Bowman
Grace Meng
Jerry Nadler
Adriano Espaillat
Nydia Velázquez
Mondaire Jones
Kathleen Rice
Yvette Clarke
Carolyn Maloney
Antonio Delgado— Daniella Diaz (@DaniellaMicaela) March 12, 2021
From WaPo:
BREAKING: Reps. Nadler, Ocasio-Cortez, other N.Y. Democrats call on Gov. Andrew Cuomo to resign over sexual harassment allegations.
“Governor Cuomo has lost the confidence of the people of New York. Governor Cuomo must resign,” said Rep. Jerrold Nadler (D-N.Y.), chairman of the Judiciary Committee and a longtime House member.
Lawmakers such as Reps. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez and Jamaal Bowman joined in pressing Cuomo to step down.
Democrats lead the call in the state legislature:
By Friday, at least 121 members of the New York State Assembly and Senate have called for the embattled governor to leave his post, including 65 Democrats and 56 Republicans. There are currently 212 members within both legislative bodies.
Members of Cuomo’s own Democratic party have been more inclined to have the governor removed. On Thursday, Speaker Carl Heastie, the top Democrat in the state Assembly, launched a plan for its judiciary committee to conduct an impeachment investigation.
“The reports of accusations concerning the governor are serious,” Heastie said in a statement. “The committee will have the authority to interview witnesses, subpoena documents and evaluate evidence, as is allowed by the New York State Constitution.”

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I may be wrong but I do not see Cuomo quitting. He has an ego the size of North America and he has convinced himself that he is not wrong. Many people like him think they are entitled to act the way they do.
He needs to be in jail over the deaths in the Nursing Homes. The harassment is merely an enhancement to his charges.
The sexual stuff is a smoke screen to hide the nursing home stuff. Granted it is bad enough on it’s own, but they are doing it so that he doesn’t have to answer for the nursing home stuff which is far worse.
BOOM. Precisely.
He won’t resign unless someone gives him a big payoff, like a 7-figure book advance. Or threatens him with prosecution. Or both.
Well, if you’ve lost Sandy from Westchester, it’s over.
Which begs the question of after being with the “live in girl friend” for 14 years why the separation was low balled by any of the usual media hype. A highly paid for NDS ? ? vs what might equate to a Pre-Nup. It isn’t as if all of what were hearing now was lived in a vacuum of a 14 year relationship.
Schumer & Gillibrand just jumped on The Resignation Express this evening.
He probably still thinks he can ride this out. After all people aren’t outraged at his killing thousands of seniors with his policy to satisfy his moneybags but that he said something sexually explicit to a woman or touched her inappropriately.
Because in America today murder simply doesn’t matter all that much if a lefty is the guilty party.
I am sure he looks to VA for guidance. Governor Northam is an advocate for infanticide and wearer of blackface yet remains in office. Lt Gov Fairfax was credibly accused of sexual assault yet remains in office.
In Cuomo’s mind he is a far greater man than either of these two so of course he can ride this out.
Billy Clinton taught me not to care about pervert politicians in private.
I do care about trial and execution for mass murderers.
Suggestion for Cuomo: Tell your Donk pals, “I know where the bodies are buried. If I’m going down, I’m taking you all down with me.”
Sweet Jesus on the True Cross, if Cuomo takes my advice, standby for ensuing hilarity.
Cuomo’s response: Or what?
He’s calling their bluff. He knows they aren’t going to forcibly remove him.
He should be awarded another EMMY for being AMERICA’S biggest scum bag
I refuse to play by rules established by the Communist Party and their toadies in the media. The more women who come forward making accusations WITHOUT offering evidence, the more convinced I am that this is merely an attempt to get rid of someone whom the Communist Party leaders want gone.
Enough with the Moscow Trials atmosphere. Don’t resign. Impeach. Have a trial and make the Communist Party present EVIDENCE instead of making more accusations. I have had enough of Communist Party hoaxes (Russia, Ukraine, “insurrection”, Trump’s taxes, etc).
And while the Legislature is impeaching Cuomo for accusations that may or may not be true, can they spare a few minutes to remember the thousands who died needlessly because of Cuomo’s insane Wuflu policies?
Republicans would be excorciated for slow footing these calls but somehow the Dems will be given extra credit for this.
Last year the liberal media fawned over Cuomo as an Emmy-award winning rock star.
Maybe Nadler can threaten to shart himself in close-proximity if Cuomo doesn’t step down.