Andrew Branca To Cover Derek Chauvin Trial For Legal Insurrection

Derek Chauvin goes on trial starting Monday, March 8, 2021, for the alleged murder of George Floyd. I say “alleged” because though the media and activists have already written the narrative of guilt, we know that criminal guilt must be proven beyond a reasonable doubt and media narratives do not always hold up in court.

We saw that in the 2013 trial of George Zimmerman for the death of Trayvon Martin, which we covered more extensively than anyone else. The evidence overwhelmingly pointed to a viable self-defense claim, so Legal Insurrection readers were not surprised when the verdict came down that way.

I revisited our coverage in February 2019, Seven years after Trayvon Martin shooting, the falsehoods, propaganda and misinformation are worse than ever and before that, in 2017, revisted how Five years after Trayvon Martin’s death, myths and lies about case live on

The Zimmerman trial was covered for us live by Andrew Branca, author of The Law of Self-Defense. Andrew’s coverage and analysis gained widespread attention, and he became the go-to expert on the case.

This is Don West, co-counsel for George Zimmerman in the Treyvon Martin shooting.Today is the second anniversary of George Zimmerman’s acquittal. Because of the hectic pace of the trial, I’ve only recently begun to review much of the coverage of the case; and I want to compliment Legal Insurrection, Professor Jacobson, and especially Andrew Branca for their exceptional coverage of the trial.The facts of the case were reported fairly and accurately, and the legal analysis was always first rate.Where so many news outlets and bloggers seemed unconcerned with the actual facts or the law, and were content to combine misinformation with their own misunderstanding, its obvious from the reporting that Legal Insurrection was genuinely interested in the truth and fully understood the legal issues of the case.Your effort is truly appreciated. Thank you.

Andrew covered several other cases for us, but the past couple of years has focused mostly on his book and his subscription self-defense website.

So we’re thrilled to announce that Andrew has agreed to cover the Chauvin trial for us daily, as the case develops from jury selection through verdict. He is planning on a Preview post this Sunday night.

We will focus on the evidence presented in court, not any political narratives.

Legal Insurrection was the go-to website for Zimmerman trial coverage, and it will be again for Chauvin trial coverage.

Tags: George Floyd, George Floyd - Derek Chauvin Trial, George Zimmerman Trial