Albany Police Receive Groping Accusation Against Gov. Creepy Cuomo
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Albany Police Receive Groping Accusation Against Gov. Creepy Cuomo

Albany Police Receive Groping Accusation Against Gov. Creepy Cuomo

As of right now, there is no official investigation, but that could change.

On Wednesday, The Times Union reported one of Gov. Andrew Cuomo’s female aides accused him of “aggressively” groping her at his mansion.

The Albany police received the complaint.

From The New York Post:

The Albany Police Department has been formally notified about the allegation that Gov. Andrew Cuomo groped a female staffer in an incident that may amount to a crime, a source familiar with the matter said Thursday.

Cops haven’t launched an official probe but have “reached out to the victim’s attorney and offered up any other police assistance,” a police spokesman said.

“At this time there has been no formal criminal complaint and there is no active criminal investigation,” spokesman Steve Smith said.

Cuomo’s acting counsel, Beth Garvey, acknowledged in a statement that state officials had referred the matter for possible criminal investigation.

“As a matter of state policy when allegations of physical contact are made, the agency informs the complainant that they should contact their local police department,” Garvey said.

“If they decline, the agency has an obligation to reach out themselves and inform the department of the allegation. In this case the person is represented by counsel and when counsel confirmed the client did not want to make a report, the state notified the police department and gave them the attorney’s information.”


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If there’s no police report, it didn’t happen. A contemporaneous report at least shows a single-mindedness, and not a mind-change, about the accusation, providing the beginning of due process.

Here she didn’t want to file a report so somebody else did it for her. That sort of obviates the point. She’s not vouching for it herself under penalty of perjury.

JusticeDelivered | March 11, 2021 at 6:38 pm

When I was in my mid 20s, I built a disco, seating capacity about 12oo. We had about half a dozen bouncers, one, a washed out over an injury baseball player was quite crude, loudly asking them if they wanted to F, and prone to get his face slapped nine out of ten times, but almost always found a young lady willing to wait until we closed, to go home with him.

At that time, antibiotics cured all STDs.

Colonel Travis | March 11, 2021 at 7:24 pm

Killed thousands? Eh who cares.
He touched me. MAY HE BURN IN HELL!1!!11!!!!

Escaped from RI | March 11, 2021 at 9:42 pm

#Believe All Women! (t/m)*

Narrator: Serious, sometimes fatal side effects may occur, such as lynching (see Emmett Till). Offer not valid in all 57 states. Offer is void in New York, Delaware, Minnesota, Virginia, California, and Arkansas. Doesn’t apply to all women. Lindsey Boylan, Charlotte Bennett, Anna Rich, Kanen Hinton, Anna Liss, Tara Reade, Leeann Tweeden, Leland Keyser, Juanita Broaddrick, Paula Jones, Kathleen Wiley, Monica Lewinsky, Mary Jo Kopechne, Karen Monahan, Vanessa Tyson, Meredith Watson and Lucy Flores not to be believed. See your local Democrat Party for other exclusions and prohibitions.

Lucifer Morningstar | March 11, 2021 at 11:58 pm

& trade ;

ultraskeptic | March 12, 2021 at 9:26 am

He’s certainly guilty unless proven innocent. And the harrassment suggests that men will no longer be safe expressing even the most innocent affection to women (and, likely, even men) they work with. Even the most villainous of accusations against Cuomo sound pretty innocent to me – perhaps some of them likely to be flirtatious, but they hardly sound like the constitute the horrible sexual crimes the media are ascribing to them.