Longtime Legal Insurrection readers will be very familiar with the work of Thomas Sowell. A new documentary about him called ‘Common Sense in a Senseless World’ came out on YouTube.
Journalist Jason Riley, who has spent years studying Sowell’s works, hosted the one-hour film.
Jennifer Kabbany of The College Fix provides a detailed description:
Thomas Sowell is often called “the smartest person in the room” by those who know him. A newly released documentary explores how he earned that honor, and why he is considered by many as one of the greatest intellectuals of modern American conservatism.“Thomas Sowell: Common Sense in a Senseless World” debuted last week. The one-hour film by Free to Choose Media is available to view for free on YouTube and Vimeo, as well as on Amazon Prime.It traces Sowell’s life, starting from his humble beginnings in North Carolina and his coming of age in Harlem. It then follows his footsteps as he made his way as a student and then educator at such campuses as the University of Chicago, Harvard, Columbia, Cornell and UCLA.
Stacey Lenox of PJ Media reminds us that Sowell began his intellectual journey as a Marxist:
Sowell was once a committed Marxist, even after taking classes from Milton Friedman at the Chicago School of Economics at Chicago University. There, Sowell says he learned that you could advance an argument but that you had to bring the evidence to support it. Larry Elder says this is where Sowell began to use data rigorously, which remains a hallmark of much of his writing. He remained a Marxist throughout his time in graduate school. Only a stint working in the government changed his mind.
Set aside an hour and watch this program. Sowell is a national treasure who rarely gets the recognition he deserves:
Featured image via YouTube.