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U. Utah Reportedly Requiring Commitment to Diversity, Equity and Inclusion for Promotions

U. Utah Reportedly Requiring Commitment to Diversity, Equity and Inclusion for Promotions

“Candidates are required to submit a statement of accomplishments for and commitment to enhancing equity, diversity, and inclusion.”

This is easy to believe because diversity has become an industry within higher education.

David Acevedo reports at the National Association of Scholars:

Exclusive: Univ. of Utah Proposes Allegiance to DEI as a Condition for Promotion and Tenure

The University of Utah (U of U) Department of Physics & Astronomy is the latest to attempt to enshrine the unholy trinity of Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion—commonly abbreviated as DEI, though U of U has rearranged the terms to create the less common acronym, “EDI”—in its Departmental Retention, Promotion, and Tenure policy, according to a faculty member who shall remain anonymous.

U of U Physics & Astronomy has prioritized so-called “Equity and Inclusion” for some time, and is far from the first academic department to do so. But this proposed policy change represents a new trend within academia, in which faculty are not only pressured by unspoken rules to adhere to the religion of DEI—they are compelled to by official university policy.

The proposed additions to the Departmental Retention, Promotion, and Tenure policy were created by the U of U Physics & Astronomy EDI Committee and Executive Committee, the latter of which includes Physics Chair Christoph Boehme, Associate Chair Ben Bromley, and Associate Dean of the College of Science Pearl Sandick. In other words, DEI dogma is coming from the top down. The policy’s proposed language reads as follows:

3.5 Evaluation of Commitment to Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion (EDI)

Candidates are required to submit a statement of accomplishments for and commitment to enhancing equity, diversity, and inclusion. This statement should summarize how they advance the Department’s mission to “diversify the next generation of researchers, educators, and technology workforce leaders” and “to strive for greater equity and inclusion of diverse voices and perspectives.”


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When the school requires a political loyalty oath, there is no ethical responsibility to be candid about your true beliefs. The administrators have their beliefs, which they are certain are correct, and they intend to force them upon you.

Therefore, the best way to prepare such a document is to look at what the administrators have said about the subjects online and in written materials. Summarize and paraphrase those comments, and blend together similar comments from different administrators. In this way, you can give them what they want while actually making it seem that you are more enthusiastic than they are.

Be careful not to state any of your true beliefs. Any such deviation from the “woke” bible can and will be used against you in any future hearing if you are accused of failing to adhere to left-wing principles and talking points.

    randian in reply to OldProf2. | February 20, 2021 at 1:57 am

    Mouthing the words won’t be good enough. This isn’t a mere loyalty oath, note the requirement: “submit a statement of accomplishments for … equity, diversity, and inclusion”. If you can’t show you actually aided the cause in concrete ways you won’t be hired.

The Friendly Grizzly | February 19, 2021 at 10:48 am

Boile down: Thou shalt bow down and worship the government-designated Protected Classes. Thou shalt do so at risk of severe punishment: loss of job, doxxing, and being audited to death by the IRS.