San Francisco Teacher: Bernie’s Mittens Oozed ‘White Privilege, Male Privilege, and Class Privilege’

Former Berkeley professor and current San Francisco teacher Ingrid Seyer-Ochi provided proof that no male is off-limits when it comes to the privilege label.

Over 99% of the country (my stat) giggled over the memes of Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-VT) at the inauguration.

Seyer-Ochi somehow formed the idea in her head that the picture of Sanders radiated privilege. She drilled into her students’ heads as they watched the inauguration (emphasis mine):

Across our Zoom screen, they affirmed, with nods, thumbs-ups, and emojis of anger and frustration. Fast-forward two weeks as we analyzed images from the inauguration, asking again, “What do we see?” We saw diversity, creativity and humanity, and a nation embracing all of this and more. On the day of the inauguration, Bernie Sanders was barely on our radar. The next day, he was everywhere.“What do we see?” I asked again. We’ve been studying diversity and discrimination in the United States; my students were ready. What did they see? They saw a white man in a puffy jacket and huge mittens, distant not only in his social distancing, but in his demeanor and attire.We took in the meaning of the day, the vulnerability of democracy, the power of ritual, traditions and the peaceful transition of power.

Seyer-Ochi claimed her students were ready. But why did she have to repeat her question?

The memes and sweatshirts of Bernie triggered poor Seyer-Ochi. She desperately wanted her students to see “[A] wealthy, incredibly well-educated and -privileged white man, showing up for perhaps the most important ritual of the decade, in a puffy jacket and huge mittens.”

Plus, she is shocked that the privilege did not reveal itself to anyone but her:

“When you see privilege, you know it,” I’d told them weeks before. Yet, when they saw Sen. Bernie Sanders manifesting privilege, when seemingly no one else did, I struggled to explain that disparity. I am beyond puzzled as to why so many are loving the images of Bernie and his gloves. Sweet, yes, the gloves, knit by an educator. So “Bernie.”

Lady, are you new here? Have you ever watched Sanders? Have you ever seen Sanders?

The man is a cranky old man. He yells at clouds. The man is louder than my Italian family and that’s saying something. The only time I’ve seen him relax is with his wife.

The man has no fashion sense. I don’t think he owns a brush.

Sanders is a hypocrite. He screams for socialism, but owns three houses and is a millionaire. Once people pointed that out he threw his argument at billionaires.

Seyer-Choi needs to re-evaluate a few things. This is not just because she is exasperated that no one else saw Sanders’ privilege. It’s also because she took the time to sit down and write it out.

Your privilege is showing, my dear. You obviously know you are more intelligent than everyone else so you had to woman-splain it to everyone. You obviously get to tell people how to dress and appear at any event.

Bernie even released a YouTube video of the memes. He said people in Vermont know the cold and they’re “not so concerned about good fashion.”

People, just sit back and enjoy the popcorn. The left will eventually eat itself alive. No one is safe from their labels or cancelation projects.

Tags: Bernie Sanders, Social Media