AOC Tale of Her Capitol Hill Riot Experience Turns Out to be Mostly Fake News

Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-NY) cannot stop talking about her “near-death” experience during the Capitol Hill riots on January 6th.

One problem: AOC was in her office in the Cannon Building.

AOC poked holes in her story in an Instagram post when she talked about how the trauma from a past sexual assault came roaring back during the experience. A Capitol Hill officer went into her office to check on her and help her leave the building. AOC said he “didn’t feel right” because he looked at her with “anger and hostility.”

Even her staffer thought he would have to fight the policeman.

She also said:

Ocasio-Cortez said that the officer was “looking at me with all this anger and hostility. At first, in my brain and in my mind, I just came from this super intense experience just now, maybe I’m reading into this, right? Like maybe I’m projecting, maybe I’m projecting something on to him that, maybe I’m just sensing anger but maybe he’s not trying to be angry, um.””But I talked to… my legislative director, and he said ‘no, I didn’t know if he would help us or hurt us either, and [he] was actually like ‘this man came with so much hostility, that um” she said. She said that her staffer was “sizing him up” to see if he “would have to fight him.”She compared this experience to “so many other communities in this country where you don’t know if you’re safe or not.” The officer told her where to go, and she said “we’re just so rattled in that moment, and the situation felt so volatile with the officer that I run over, I grab my bag, and we just start running over to that building.”

A person can access the Cannon Building via a tunnel. But no one made it past the Capitol.

Rep. Nancy Mace (R-SC) has an office two doors down from AOC.

AOC attempted to talk her way out of it by describing the area as the “Capitol complex” when the attack happened specifically in the Capitol building.

Then there’s this:

It’s horrible that someone sexually assaulted AOC. It should never happen to anyone. No one is trying to discredit you on that aspect. Just don’t use it as a shield, making people think they cannot criticize you.

Because guess what. We are criticizing your lies about being in the Capitol building during the riot.

AOC has used this “near-death” experience to demonize Republicans. Sen. Ted Cruz (R-TX) agreed with her about financial hearings. Instead of UNITY, AOC chided him for his supposed rhetoric that almost got her killed in the riots. She did not want to attend the inauguration because Republicans make her feel unsafe. She wants to kick out Republicans from the House and Senate.

But hasn’t she seen videos of the rioters assaulting Capitol Hill police? Is it any shock that the officer in her office had anger in his eyes? Did this police officer fight off any of the rioters? Did he see any of the people assault and injure his coworkers and friends?

Will anyone call out AOC or will she get away, again, for being a drama queen? Don’t answer that. It’s a rhetorical question.

It’s not always about you.

UPDATE: A friend on Twitter showed me the January 6th timelines. They evacuated at 12:45. They got the all-clear at 1, but then cops told them to leave again. The breach happened at 2.

Tags: Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, Capitol Hill Riot January 2021